Menu Mithra Yazad 4020.08


Meher/Mithra izad, the highest icon of self-sacrifice and selflessness in the good Mazdayasni religion:

Amongst all of the holy and great yazads and Amesha Spentas, Meher izad stands the most tall and triumphant as the icon of self-sacrifice and selflessness for the cause of Asha and the good creation of Sepanta Mainyu.

It is said in the most holy Meher Yasht that Meher yazad is ever awake and never sleeping. It is said that when the sun rises it is he who circles the entirety of the globe so to gather all the sunlight and cosmic energy and pour it over the earth such as rain for the benefit and betterment of mankind and the rest of the good creations. It is with the aid of this divine energy emanating through the sun that the plants grow, that the seasons come and go, the waters turn into rain, the seas come into motion and life is made anew. It is for the same reason that his prayer is always associated with and ever recited alongside that of the holy yazad of the sun. At night he is also said to gather and distribute the light of the moon and stars that belong to the kingdom of Ahura Mazda so to spread it all for the joy and life of the creations of Sepanta Mainyu.

Therefore he is so poetically said to circle the earth in a heavenly chariot made of cosmic materials so to rout evil and the demon of decay and darkness from the 7 Keshvars (7 continents), and is so poetically said to be the high king and Shahanshah of all these nations without whom life could not go on.

Every true Mazdayasni should look up to Meher yazad as the icon and role model for an optimal and ideal life. He who so selflessly works day and night without any need for sleep, without the feel of personal and selfish wants and desires so much to further the good and righteous creation and the good law of Ormazd (Asha). He who is ever awake and has a thousand eyes, who has ten thousands and always stands as the celestial judge for the welfare of mankind.

It is for such reasons that he is portrayed so poetically in the Roman cult of Mithra as the slayer of the bull.One at first glance would think that Meher yazad is just sacrificing a literal animal for a blood thirsty cause, but yet they fail to realize that animal sacrifice and killing are not but the vices of Ahriman the accursed and the Daevas. One should know that the all good and loving Ormazd and his great yazads are incapable of killing, causing harm and inflicting misery upon the good creation.

The bull being so poetically sacrificed by Meher izad as portrayed is a most mystical symbol of sacrificing one’s own personal needs and desires, one’s wants and selfish gains for the welfare of others and the for the betterment of the whole of the good creation of Sepanta Mainyu.

One should be like Meher izad if he or she wants to triumph in the 7 trials of life and reach perfection, immortality and the ultimate goal of unity and eternal bliss in Garothman Behesht of Ahura Mazda.

One should realize that this world is too short to be selfish and partake in an individualistic mentality. One should live for the whole and gain riches, prosper in life, enjoy the riches and yet give back and contribute to the society and Sepanta Mainyu and make a difference for the betterment of the creations of Ormazd and the whole world, for that is the most ideal and highest meaning of life. No one should do good for the sake of rewards or punishments, one should do it for the sake of Asha and goodness alone, the way Meher izad does so by day and night, by dawn and by dusk without sleep, without desires and wants in return and without personal glory and selfish needs. And that is the true key to happiness.

May Meher yazad, he who is the most loving, the most selfless and the most glorious be with you all. Eydoon bad, eydoon taraj bad!

Written by Ashkan.