Menu Mithrakana 4020.09

MITHRAKANA - September 29th

Mithraists should celebrate Mithrakana - the festival of Mithras - at this time of year.
For the Iranians Mithrakana is a major festival coming around the time of the autumnal equinox and incorporates a pagan-origin Harvest Festival.

However I suggest that Westerners keep Mithrakana as a more strictly religious event. Mithraists who are so inclined can celebrate the autumnal equinox as Mabon. This could be a festival to celebrate the fruits of the harvest - and more generally to look back at what has been achieved in the last year and to celebrate it.

Mithrakana, by contrast, is a time to look to the future. The days are shortening, the strength of the sun is diminishing and we head towards a colder, darker time. Mithras calls us to join his army to fight for the cause of light against the darkness. Mithrakana especially could be a time for us to consider how we can play our part in the Hostis Mithras (The Host of Mithras - the army of Mithras). What can we be doing to further the cause? This is a question for us as individuals - but also as a community - how can we build up the Mithraic Host , so that it has the strength to defeat the devils and the Good Christ-power comes to dominate the world?