Menu Zorochristianity 4020.10

Zorochristianity is a new variety of Christianity with ancient roots. It seeks out the real ethical roots of Christianity which are to be found in the teachings of Zoroaster. Zorochristians are nevertheless interested in the tradition that had developed from the time of Jesus and seek to bring to light the connections between the later tradition and the earlier persian one.

Most Zorochristians recognise a Holy Trinity of Aramazda, Chrestus and Spentamania who are known as the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit. Aramazda is the Wise Lord who creates and guides the rightly-ordered world. Chrestus is the divine Christ, not associated with any single historical person, but found wherever people act from the good-willing mind. Spentamania is the spirit of love of life.

Zorochristians also recognise a Christangelic Trinity of Mithras , Anhita and Zartus where Mithras is identified with the Archangel Michael, Anhita (or Anahita) is similar to the Virgin Mary as worshipped by Catholics, and Zartus (or Zoroaster) has some of the same function as John the Baptist in the later tradition. The Archangel, Mithras, encourages, guides and commands us to fight for the cause of The Good in the world, against what is Bad and Evil. Anhita embodies the unconditional care that is the natural impulse of Christ, and is a figure of protection and purity. Zartus is the incarnated teacher of Christ. The Christangelic trinity along with lesser christangels are the power that brings the Christ-child into existence, and Mithras and Anhita can be imagined as the parents of Christ and Zartus as the Magus who teaches him.

All Zorochristians value the scripture of the Zartigathas or Songs of Zoroaster. Many also value the traditional Avestan scripture of the Persians as well as the scriptures of the New Testament and gnostic scriptures of the same era. Many Zorochristians also have an interest in the classical Greek philosophical tradition. A smaller number may also be interested in Hellenistic philosophies or the Sufi tradition.