Menu Jesus Was A Zoroastrian 4020.11

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Jesus Was A Zoroastrian is a book which attempts to convince the Reader of the following:

Jesus of Nazareth as the second Sayoshant (Benefactor) expected by the Zoroastrians

The Zoroastrian religion, called "The Good Religion" was founded by a Bactrian man, about 800 to 1700 b.c.e. (before common era), by the name of Zarathustra Spitaman ("Camel-teaser of the White Clan"). The Spitaman family were a caste of priests, like the Brahmins of India, and their religion was essentially Brahminism: the worship of many Aryan gods and goddesses, with many hundreds of rites and rituals. One day, while gathering water for a ritual, Zarathustra met a supernatural being who called himself "Vohu Manu" ("Right Mind"), or "Vohuman". Vohuman told Zarathustra that only One God existed, the Only Wise Lord named AHURA MAZDA ("Being Most Supremely Wise!"). Vohuman told Zarathustra that He (Vohuman) was "the Son of AHURA MAZDA" and that he (Zoroaster) needed to teach the people to stop worshiping "devas" (the Aryan gods and goddesses) and to teach them to worship AHURA MAZDA alone, and to teach them "asho" (righteousness). He told Zarathustra to teach them "The Good Religion" which consisted of good thoughts, good words, and good deeds.

Vohuman taught Zarahustra (we known him today as "Zoroaster" or "Zardosht") a series of 17 songs called the "Gathas" (gei-dhas). The followers of the Good Religion became known as Mazda-yasni (Mazda worshipers). Much later, in the 19th century, British scholars began to call the Good Religion "Zoroastrianism" and they began to refer to the Mazdayasnians as "Zoroastrians": although the great majority of Mazdayasnians today insist they are not "Zardosht" (Zoroaster) worshippers nor his followers, but AHURA MAZDA worshippers and followers of the Good Religion ("Beh Deen").

Zarathustra taught these "songs" to others, that they needed to stop worshiping "demons" (devas) and worship AHURA MAZDA alone. He taught them the Good Religion: good thoughts, good words, good deeds. The Good Religion was very simple: if our good deeds outweighed our bad deeds, at death, our souls would go to the House of Song. But if our bad deeds outweighed our good deeds, we we "return" to the House of Lies. We did not need to perform hundreds of rites and rituals to placate the "daevas" (demons). Instead, we needed only to live our lives in asho (righteouness), filling our lives with good thoughts and good words and good deeds. We were judged by our "works" (good and evil both), and not by our caste, or our color, nor by the rites and rituals we paid priests to perform on our behalf.

The original "Good Religion" was a religion without any rites or rituals or priests. It was a very "simple" religion: just live your life filled with good thoughts/good words/good deeds, don't worship the daevas (demons i.e. other gods), recite the Gathas ("Holy Songs"), and you will go to the House of Song (Paradise) at death. However, over time, over many centuries, a "priesthood" did develop with priests (mobed or ervad) and high priests (?????????). The high priests introduced many "rites" into the Good Religion, which was never part of the original revelation of Vohuman (the Son of AHURA MAZDA) to Zarathustra Spitaman.

The high priests started the Fire-Temples, where a "fire" was kept 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, by the priests. "Fire" was considered the most holy "symbol" of AHURA MAZDA. Fire consumes the wicked, and purifies the world at the Day of Judgment. After the Muslims conquered Persia, about 750 A.D., the Muslims referred to the Mazdayasnians (Zoroastrians) as "fire-worshipers". But, the Masdayasnians insisted they did not worship "fire" but worshiped AHURA MAZDA, and "fire" was the closest natural element to Him in our world (the elements being earth, air, water, and fire).

A Mazdayasnian high priest named ???? ????? wanted to have a vision of the Day of Separation (Day of Judgment), so he drank a hallucinating drink called "Soma" and he went into a trance. During the trance he had a vision of the Day of Judgment. He saw a bridge, called the "Bridge of Separation" (Chinvat). He saw souls walk over the bridge. If the soul had more bad deeds than good, then the bridge became as sharp as a sword and the soul (person) fell into a chasm filled with fire. If the soul (person) had more good deeds than bad deeds, then the bridge did not change size, and the soul (person) walked over the bridge to the House of AHURA MAZDA, which is also called the "House of Song" or "Pardes" (Old Persian: Paradise). Scholars are not sure when Zarathustra Spitaman (Zoroaster) lived. Some think he lived about 1700 b.c.e. Others think as soon as about 800 b.c.e. There is no clear consensus of when he lived. According to tradition, Zarathustra was killed in a Fire-Temple, while praying, by a Turan (the enemies of the Aryans, probably refers to the Turkomans of Central Asia).

Over the centuries, the Zoroastrian high priests introduced many rites and rituals into the Good Religion. It became very formalized. The Good Religion taught the existence of the Day of Resurrection; when all good people would be brought back to live in this world. The Mazdayasnian religion also taught the concept of Paradise (Pardes), and "The Fire". Evil souls would not go to Paradise (the House of Song) at death, but to "The House of Lies". But nobody would "burn in Hell-fire" forever. The purpose of "The Fire" was not eternal torment, but to "purify" evil souls with fire. At the Last Day, AHURA MAZDA would purify evil souls with "fire" and they too would be redeemed via this purification, and dwell in the House of AHURA MAZDA along with the righteous.

The Magavan (Old Persian: "Great Ones") were an order of Shamans among the Medes ("Meeds" or the ancient Armenians). They were Shamans. They were interpreters of dreams. They made "prophecies". They were astrologers of a sort. They interpreted the movement of the "fixed stars" (planets) and the Sun and the Moon in the various "houses" of the Zodiac. When the kingdom of the Medes accepted the Good Religion, so did the Magavan. The Greeks called the Magavan the "Magi" (ma'zhai or ma'jai). A single Magavan was called a "Magus" (magoos) in Greek. In the plural they were known collectively (in Greek) as the "Magi" (ma'jai or ma'zhai). The kings and emperors of the Armenians, Medes, Persians, Bactrians, and others, used the Magi as advisors. They were never "kings". They were the "counselors" to kings.

Sometime during or after the life of Zarathustra, the Magi became followers of the Good Religion. However, they did not stop being interpreters of dreams, astrologers, or making prophecies. Kings and rulers sought out their "advise" because they were considered to have supernatural knowledge that "normal" people did not have.

There is some evidence to suggest that the Magi were Hermaphrodites (men-women or those born with XXY chromosomes). Males have XY or XYY chromosomes. Most very tall men (such as tall NBA players) have XYY and are known as "double-Y's"). Females have XX chromosomes. Hermaphrodites are XXY and cannot be classified as "male" or "female" but something in-between. In many ancient cultures, Hermaphrodites became Shamans (witch-doctors), because they were considered "chosen by the gods" or "semi-divine" because they were neither men nor women.

About 600 B.C.E. (before common era), the Babylonians (under King Nebuchadnezzar) invaded the Kingdom of Judah, and took away most of the Jews as prisoners back to Babylon (Iraq). The Jews remained captives in Babylon for about 70 years.

The Prophet Daniel, a Jew living in the city of Shushan, Elam, so impressed the King of Babylon, that Daniel was made the "Rab Mag" (chief Magus) of the Babylonian Empire. There is no evidence from the Book of Daniel, that the Prophet Daniel ever married or had children.

The King of kings (emperor) of the Empire of the Medes and Persians, Shah-e-shah Koresh (King of kings Cyrus), conquered the Babylonian Empire, about 530 b.c.e., found the Jews captive there, and freed the Jews. Not only did Koresh free the Jews, but he spent his own money rebuilding the Jewish Temple and the City of Jerusalem; which the Babylonians had destroyed. ABOUT TWO BILLION on planet Earth today (2019) identify themselves as "Christian" in some form or another. They all know the story of Jesus of Nazareth. He was born a Jew (descendant of the Tribe of Judah, son of Jacob also called "Israel") in Bethlehem, a town in Judea (a province of the Roman Empire). Most countries (except Muslim countries) date the "year" from the birth of Jesus. I'm writing this book in the year A.D. 2019: meaning "Ano Domini" (Latin: "Year of Our Lord") 2019. Two-thousand and ninety years since the birth of Jesus, in Bethlehem, Judea.

The Christian world believes that Jesus was born of Mary, a Jewish woman, who was a literal "virgin". She was married to Joseph the Carpenter, a Jewish man from the village of Nazareth, in the Galilee, which was a predominantly Jewish district north of Samaria, and south of Lebanon: with the Sea of Galilee to the East, and Mount Carmel to the West. Joseph, the Carpenter, was not the father of Jesus. The Father of Jesus was God! The Christian world believes that Jesus was the Son of God and Mary, begotten of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, not all Christians are true "Believers". Probably a majority of Christians are Earth today are "cultural Christians": meaning they don't really believe that Jesus is the Son of God, born of a literal virgin, but they celebrate at least a few "Christian" holidays, and generally believe in the Christian principles such as charity, forgiveness, and so forth.

Every year, usually on the 25th of December (some Christian celebrate the birth of Jesus on other dates, such as in early January), most Christians, and even Agnostics, celebrate "Christmas". Many communities, still today, in North America, and elsewhere, set up "Christmas displays" which include pictures or paintings or statues of the following:

The Baby Jesus
Mary and Joseph
The Three Wise Men (Magi)
Perhaps a donkie or a camel (to represent the means of transportation that the Three Wise Men go to Bethlehem from their home "in the East".

I've always wondered who these three "Wise Men" were. Where "in the East" were they from? Why did they travel so far to give gifts to a little baby living in a "manger" (which today I know was a cave meant to keep animals). Bethlehem has a lot of caves. So, naturally, the people used those caves to as "keeps" for their animals: mostly goats and sheep. Sometimes donkies. Rarely camels. Never pigs (they were Jews, after all).

I was told that these three men, who gave Jesus "gifts" of gold, frankincense, and myrrh (until I was an adult, I had no idea was "frakincense" and "myrrh" was), were the "magi" (pronounced "ma'jai"). I had no idea who and what were the "magi" (ma'jai). When I was a teenager, I thought that the Magi were some sort of "Jedi" like in Star Wars. Men with magical powers. Some sort of magician-warriors. But, I was told by Christians that the Magi were "kings" and "astrologers". I would ask them, "So, astrology is true?" They would look shocked and say, "No, astrology is of the Devil!" I then would ask, "Why would God send Devil-worshippers to worships the Baby Jesus and give Him gifts?" The Christians would just look "shocked" and shake their heads and walk away from me like I had the Black Plague.


For the Sadducees, there was no afterlife, no angels, no spirits. They worshipped the God of Israel so that He would provide them with good rains, with bountiful crops, and with protection from famine, disease, locusts, and invading armies. If a famine did come, if the rains did not come, if the locusts or other pestilence came, or if a foreign army defeated them, it was simply because the people did not obey the Torah (Law) as they should have; that is why the God of Israel did not protect them or bless them as He had promised.

The Sadducees considered the Pharisees ("Persians") to have introduced into Israel a foreign religion; one that was false, and contained false notions of an afterlife, and of angels and spirits, of a resurrection, and of a Final Judgment, of Paradise and Hell. The Sadducees considered all of these to be foreign "Persian" notions that had nothing to do with the religion of Israel; which was to worship YHWH and to keep the Law of Moses. They rejected these "Persian" teachings.

THE POOR The Pharisees were very popular with the common people, called the Ebioniym ("Poor"). The Sadducees were popular with the Rich; who cared only for the things of this world. The Poor, on the other hand, lived very hard lives proping up the Rich, and were not content with merely living the Law. They wanted more. They saw how the Rich oppressed them. They saw injustice; how the Rich could bribe officials, but the Poor often could not get justice at all. They were not fond of the life they led. It was very difficult. It was full of pain and sorrow. It was full of very hard work, and injustice, and pain. The Pharisees promised them Divine Justice; that the Strong (Rich) would be made low, and the Humble (Poor) would be given many treasures in the World-to-Come.

Jesus said:


THE WORLD-TO-COME The Pharisee concept of the World-to-Come was based upon what the Zoroastrians had taught them in Babylon about the Final Judgment when all souls will be judged according to their works, and the Righteous would be led to Paradise ("a Zoroasterian word"), and the Unrighteous would "return to the House of Fire".

The Pharisees divided all souls into three groups:

The Perfectly Righteous

The In-Between

The Perfectly Wicked

The Pharisees taught that there would be a resurrection of the dead, and after the resurrection there would be a judgment of all souls. They taught that the Perfectly Righteous would be given Paradise, and dwell in a Garden of Eden like condition in the World-to-Come. The Perfectly Wicked would be annihilated (cease to exist) in the Fire. They would be destroyed both body and soul. They compared the fire to the fire of Ge-Himmon (Greek: Gehenna); a valley outside of Jerusalem that burned trash, dead animals, and criminals; a fire that never stopped burning day or night. The In-Between, they taught, would go to the Fire for anywhere from one day to one year, which would purify their souls, and then they would be welcomed into Paradise.

The Poor called the Pharisee "Rabbi" ("My Teacher" or "My Head" or "My Master"). The Poor were happy that this was not the only life they had, and that God would judge all souls, and punish the Rich for oppressing them, and punish the evil doers who often escaped earthly justice. They were happy that a Messiah would come to "save" them. But save them from what? They did not know. Most thought it meant to be "saved" from foreign occupation (the Romans).


About the year 6 B.C., the Zoroastrian Magoi of Babylon, saw in the heavens a comet in the constellation of Aries. They knew from prophecies that this announced the birth of a King of the Jews; since Aries represented Judah. The King of the Jews would be born. They were also familiar with other Zoroastrian prophecies about the coming of three Saoyoshants (Saviors) all born of virgins.

They interpreted all these things to mean that a child would be born of a virgin somewhere in Judea who would be the rightful king of the Jews, and the return of King Cyrus. They followed the comet to Judea. Then they asked King Herod where the Messiah of the Jews would be born, and King Herod asked his own advisors, and they said Bethlehem. They went to Bethlehem and found a young child just under two years of age.

They worshipped the child as the return (reincarnation) of King Cyrus, and offered to the child gifts of gold, frankensense, and myrhh; which represented the three principles of the Good Religion: good thoughts, good deeds, good words.

In Persian, the Magi were called "Magavan" (meaning "Great Ones"). The Greeks called them "Magoi". The Syrians and Jews called them Magusseans.

The Magavans were the "Masters of Wisdom". They were the keepers of the Ancient Secret Wisdom by which they could interpret the signs in the heavens, and interpret dreams, and also heal via miraculous means.


In the Good Religion, Ahura Maza is the Supreme Being. He is called the "Propitious Spirit". He created the 6 Amenta Spentas ("Sparks"). They are called the "Immortals". Three are male, and three are female.

The first created Amenta Spenta is Vohu Manah (Good Mind). This is the being that appeared to Zoroaster near the Oxus river in Bactria (nothern Afghanistan) about 1737 B.C. and taught him the Good Religion.

In the Zoroastrian Scriptures, Vohu Manah is called the Son of Ahura Mazda (Yasna 31:8, 45:4). Paradise is the abode of Vohu Manah, and he leads souls to Paradise. His enemy is Aka Manah (Bad Mind), whose abode is Hell (Yasna 32:3).

Zoroaster fortold that from his lineage would come three Sayoshants ("Saviors"); born of three holy virgins. Some believe that these three "saviors" and three "virgins" are the incarnations of the 6 Amenda Spentas.

Some believe that Vohu Manah became incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth, and Mary was the incarnation of ; one of the female Amenda Spentas.

Jesus grew up in Nazareth, the village of the Nazarenes. He became known as a worker of miracles and a great healer. As a Pharisee, He took the title of "Rabbi". The original Christians did not call themselves "Christians" until the pagan Greeks called them that, first in Antioch, about 56 A.D. The disciples of Jesus believed they were "Pharisees" (Persians) who had found the true Messiah.

Even Paul, years after he had become a Christian, when he was taken before the Sanhedrin (Jewish Council), stated:

I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee"

Was Paul lying? No! The first Christians considered themselves "Pharisees"; meaning Jews who believed in the "Persian" religion of Zoroaster. Paul was saying, "I am a Jew who follows the Persian religion, and the son of a Jew who followed the Persian religion".

The Nazarenes were a sect of Pharisees; specifically one that were "keepers" of the secrets of the Magusseans; of whom Daniel was the Head Magus during the Babylonian Captivity (c. 600-530 B.C.).

Jesus went about for three years, performing miracles such as raising the dead, healing the sick, and casting out demons. In the ancient world, these acts were performed by the Magoi (Magusseans), and termed "Magick".

The Jewish leaders thought that Jesus was a Magian; meaning a member of the sect of Magusseans. They wrote:


Jesus was later crucified, because the rulers of the Pharisees thought He was a false messiah. After all, where were His armies to "save" Israel from the Romans? He was teaching the doctrine of the Nazarenes; which the Pharisees thought to be heretical! How can anything "good" come out of Nazareth?

The Sadducees wanted Him dead because they feared He might upset the Romans, and they were Rich because of their trade with the Romans. They wanted nothing to rock their boat and end their gravy-train.

Jesus of Nazareth was crucified between two "thieves". These men were not robbers. They were Essenes; very holy men. But the Essenes refused to pay taxes to Rome. Thus, the Romans crucified them as "thieves"; for "stealing" from Rome.

On the Cross, one "thief" says to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom". Jesus replied, "Truly I tell you, Today you will be with me in PARADISE".

The word "Paradise" (or "pardes" in Greek) cannot be found in the Hebrew Bible. There is no mention of it in all the Old Testament! That is because it comes from the Zoroastrian religion, and means (in ancient Persian) "Garden"; the Garden that the Righteous dwell in after the Judgment of Souls.

Why would Jesus be using a Zoroastrian word such as "Paradise"?

The answer is simple: because HE WAS A ZOROASTRIAN!

Jesus condemned the Pharisees for hypocrisy, but He was one Himself. He was a Nazarene; which was a sect of Essenes that married. The term "Nazarene" means "Keepers of the Secrets". They were "keepers" of the secrets of the Magoi of Babylon.

What were the "Secrets of the Magoi"? I can't tell's a secret. Very few on earth today know. It is not something shared with just anyone out of curiosity.

Now, many Christians believe today that all "Magick" is evil! Their pastors tell them that.

Yet, the Magoi (Magusseans) practiced "Magick". That is how they were able to heal, and how they could interpret the stars, and interpret dreams!

Were the Magoi "evil"? Were they "evil" occultists?

Remember, it was three Magoi ("Magusseans" in Aramaic), from Babylon, who followed the comet to Judea, and worshipped Jesus, and offered Him gifts.

Why would evil occultists offer gifts to Jesus? Why would a prophet of God (Daniel) agree to become their "Chief"?

Think about that.

Maybe the Magoi were not "evil occultists" after all? Maybe they were good, wise, and inspired men? Maybe their religion was the TRUE RELIGION?

Think about it.

THE TRUE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY "Christianity" began as a "sect" of Nazarenes who accepted Jesus as the "Christ". Not all the Nazarenes did. Most did not. But some did. The Nazarenes who did not accept Jesus as the Christ later fled to Iraq, and are known today as the Mandaeans.

The Nazarenes were a "sect" of the Essenes who married. The Essenes were a "sect" of Pharisees who were celebate; like the Magusseans (Magoi). The Pharisees were a "sect" of the Jews who followed the "Persian" religion; called the "Good Religion" or (since the 1850s) "Zoroastrianism".

All "Christian" roads come back to one man: ZOROASTER.

But, in the year 150 A.D., the Catholic Church excommunicated the family of Jesus (the descendants of his brothers and sisters). Thus, the "link" was broken, and the "connection" of Jesus to the Good Religion was simply forgotten!

Christianity forgot its spiritual roots!

The "Three Wise Men" were turned from Zoroastrian magavan into three "kings" or "astrologers". The truth about the true origins of Christianity...were forgotten!

One could look at it like this:

Jesus is the "father" of Christianity.

The Nazarene sect was the "father" of Jesus.

The Essene sect was the "father" of the Nazarenes.

The Magussean sect was the "father" of the Essenes.

The Good Religion was the "father" of the Magussean sect.

That would make the Good Religion of Zoroaster the Great-Great-Great Grand-Father of Christianity!

All roads lead back to the Good Religion!

You simply cannot separate "Christianity" from the "Good Religion". Had there been no "Good Religion" there would be no "Christianity". Why? Because the Good Religion introduced Jews to the following concepts: Virgin-born Saviors

The Messiah (Cyrus) would return and save Israel.

Resurrection of the Dead

Final Judgment of souls.

If there was no Good Religion, then there would be no "Christianity".


In fact, if there was no Good Religion, there would be no Judaism as we know it today! That is true because the religion called "Judaism" is based upon the Pharisee ("Persian") sect; which was created first in Babylon, during the Babylonian Captivity, when the Jews first met the Mazdayasni (Zoroastrians), who told the Jews about Paradise, and Hell-fire, and Guardian angels, and the Resurrection, and the Judgment of souls, and the World-To-Come.

The religion we call "Judaism" today is NOT the religion of the Sadducees. They did not believe in any afterlife; neither in an immortal soul. They believed in the Books of Moses only; which did not promise anyone any Paradise, nor threaten anyone with Hell-fire. The Books of Moses merely said:


That is all! That is the essence of the religion of Israel before the Babylonian Captivity (circa 600-530 B.C.).

Judaism today is based upon the Pharisee sect, and the Pharisee sect was created first in Babylon, about 540 B.C., among Jews who believed in the Good Religion, and became known as "Persians" (Farsi/Farooshiym/Pharisees).

"Christianity" therefore, is simply a "sect" of the Good Religion; one that that accepts Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and the virgin-born Savior of Jews and Gentiles alike.


Let us not forget Islaam! It began in 610 A.D. when a "man" appeared to Muhammad inside a cave near Mecca and shouted three times "Recite!" This "man" taught Muhammad 144 poems that were later compiled into "The Recital" (Arabic: Al-Qu'ran); which is the Holy Book of Islaam. Muhammad called the "man" who taught him the Qu'ran "Jabril"; from the Hebrew "Gabr-i-El" ("Man of God").

Jabril (with wings) appears to Muhammad (faceless)
According to Muhammad's own "sayings" Jabril was a "man". He never called him an "angel". He never described Jabril as anything other than a "man".

Who was this "man"? Muslims believe that this was not an ordinary man, but an Angel from God; even the Holy Spirit.

Zoroastrians believe that this "man" (Jabril) was a Zoroastrian holy man (magavan) who taught Muhammad the 144 poems that became known as the "Qu'ran"; which a billion Muslims today believe is the final and greatest Revelation of God to mankind.

In the Epistle of Sasan I (a Zoroastrian scripture) is foretells of Muhammad:

"From the Arabs a man will be born, and the crown and throne of the Persians will be overthrown. They will see a house of worship of Abraham without any idols in it. And they will capture the temples of fire [Zoroastrian temples]. The religious leader will be a man of eloquence [i.e. a poet], and his message will be well-connected [i.e. to the Good Religion]." (Epistle of Sasan I)

Jabril taught Muhammad to pray 5 times a day, prostrate upon the ground (a Zoroastrian ritual). Jabril taught Muhammad that the Righteous would inherit "Gardens" and the Wicked would dwell in Hell-fire (both Zoroastrian teachings). Jabril taught Muhammad about the Day of Judgment; when all souls would cross a bridge, and their deeds would be weighed, and those with more good deeds than bad would walk across the Bridge into Paradise, and the souls of those whose bad deed outweighted their good deeds would fall into the Fire. All of these concepts come straight from the Good Religion!

Muslims do not believe that Jesus is the Son of Allah, because of verses in the Qur'an such as this:

4. Further, that He may warn those (also) who say, "Allah hath begotten a son":
5. No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor had their fathers. It is a grievous thing that issues from their mouths as a saying: What they say is nothing but falsehood!( Quran 18.4,5 )

Indeed, Jesus is NOT the Son of Allah!

Jesus is the Son of Ahura Mazda!


Have you ever heard of the phrase, "Heard it from the horses' mouth"?

It means this: "I got my information FIRST-HAND, not from a second-hand or third-hand source".

In other words, the "First-Hand Source" is the best. If you heard something from the "FIRST-HAND SOURCE" then you know you are getting the most pure and correct information possible. If you get your information "second hand" or "third hand" or "forth hand" then you know that you are not getting your information PURE and uncorrupted.

In like manner, the true origin of Judaism, and Christianity, and Islaam is the GOOD RELIGION of Zoroaster. The Good Religion is the "First-Hand Source".

The three great "Judeo-Christian" religions (Judaism/Christianity/Islaam) are simply three "sects" of the Good Religion; founded by Zoroaster in Bactria about 1737 B.C.

Zoroastrians feel that the closer one is to the Original Religion of the Supreme Being (the Good Religion), the closer one is to the TRUTH.

The Good Religion is the original Revelation of the Supreme Being to mankind. It is the "Father" of Judaism, Christianity, and Islaam.

If Christianity is true, then the Good Religion cannot be false; because Christianity is really merely a "sect" of the Good Religion.


The Jew and Christian and Muslim may object and say that God first revealed Himself to Abraham; who probably lived a little before Zoroaster.

But, Jehovah is NOT the Supreme Being!

The being we know today as "Jehovah"--the "God" of Israel, is not Ahura Mazda ("Supreme-Being Infinitely-Wise"). The Bible does NOT say that Jehovah created the heavens and the Earth!

The Bible says that the ELOHIYM created the heavens and the earth! The Being we know today as "Jehovah" (YHWH in Hebrew) is NOT the Supreme Being. Jehovah is the "God" of the Israelites. He is not all-knowing, not all-seeking.

The ELOHIYM ("Mighty Ones"--plural) created the heavens and the earth. Jehovah is among Them. He is one of Them. But he is NOT the "Supreme Being".

In the Good Religion there are the following heavenly beings:

AHURA MAZDA ("Supreme Being Infinitely Wise")
The Six Amenda Spentas ("Only Immortals")
The Yazatas ("Worthy Ones")
Fravashis (Guardian Angels)

The Being we know as "Jehovah" (YHWH in Hebrew Bibles whose name is never to supposed to be pronounced) is one of the Yazatas! He is the Guardian Spirit of the Sun.

The ELOHIYM ("Mighty Ones") is plural. It literally means "Mighty Ones". The Mighty Ones created the Heavens and the Earth. Science says that the planets were created by the Stars. Our Sun is one of them.

According to the Good Religion, each Star has a Guardian Spirit called a Yazata

The ELOHIYM are the stars--the "Mighty Ones".

But none of Them is the "Supreme Being".

Some scientists even today are beginning to talk about the "intelligence" of the Sun, but in hushed tones.


When Jesus prayed "Our Father Who art in Heaven" He was NOT praying to Jehovah, the God of the Israelites! The Jews never thought of Jehovah as "Our Father". They called him "Adon" (translated as "Lord").

The Hebrew word "ADON" comes from the Syrian word "ADON"; who was the Sun-God. His Greek name was Adonis or Apollo.

The Syrian word "ADON" comes from the ancient Egyptian word ATEN; which meant the God of the Sun, or the God that lived in the Sun. The earliest known worshipper of ATEN was Ankhenaten, king of Egypt.

Ankhenaten worships Aten, the God who dwells in the Sun

The Good Religion teaches that each star, including the Sun, has a Guardian Spirit. The Guardian Spirit of the Sun is called "Aten" in Egyptian or "Adon" in Hebrew. Aten is not the "Supreme Being" but rather the "Guardian Spirit" of this solar system. He is one of the Yazatas (Elohiym). The Elohiym are NOT Supreme Beings! They are powerful Guardian Spirits, but none of them are All-Seeing as is Ahura Mazda! It is the Elohiym that "create" the planets. Even scientists will tell you that the Suns create the planets. The light of the Sun causes the oceans and skies to form, and life to begin.

The Guardian Spirit of the Sun dwell inside the Sun, and this is why Jehovah is said to have "made His tabernacle [dwelling place] the Sun". Read:

"He hath set His tabernacle in the sun: and He as a bridegroom coming out of His bedchamber." --Psalms xviii. 6.

In the Septuagint (Greek New Testament) version of the Book of Pslams (accepted as the Word of God by the ancient Christians), Jehovah is said to dwell in the Sun:

5 Their voice is gone out into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world. In the sun he has set his tabernacle;[in the original Hebrew it says literally "Inside the Sun He has pitched His tent"] 6 and he comes forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber: he will exult as a giant to run his course." (Septuagint: Psalms 18:5-6)

In the 5th century St. Jerome translated the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) into Latin, called the Vulgate. He MIStranslated Psalms 18 to read: "He set a tabernacle for the Sun". It's wrong! All Greek Bible scholars know that. That was not his only mistranslation! His mistranslation has continued in other translations; including English Bibles.

The ancient Hindu Seers, called "Rishis" (Sanskrit: "Seers/visionaries") also believed the same. The Chandogya Upanishad says:

"Sun is God, it is the command of the great Rishis, they teach us to believe that God dwells in the Sun." (Chandogya Upanishad 19:1)

"I am the Being who dwells in the Sun." (Vajurveda 40:15)

It says in the Bible:

"Our God is a consuming fire!" (Heb. 12:29)

"God is light" (1 John 1:5)

In the Book of Malachi, Jehovah is called "the Sun of Righteousness" who comes "with healing in his wings".

The ancient Egyptians worshipped RA, the Sun-God, with this symbol:

It was Ankhenaten who first realized (somehow) that Ra is not the Sun, but rather the Aten who dwells inside the Sun. The Sun was merely the "tabernacle" or tent of Aten.

A more ancient name for Aten was Ra, or Amun-Ra. RA was also called Amun-Ra. Amun means "He whose name is hidden". Amun-Ra had a "secret name" that only the high priests of Amum-Ra were allowed to pronounce. If you did not correctly pronounce the secret name of Amun (Amon-Ra), then the god would not hear you.

When "God" appears to Jacob (Israel) and wrestles with him, Jacob asks what his name is. And "God" replies:

"Why do you inquire about my name, being that it is secret?" (????????????)

Compare that to what Amon-Ra (the Egyptian Sun-god) says:

"I am the One Whose name is secret." (The Egyptian Book of the Dead, chapter 7)

In Jews are forbidden to even TRY to pronounce the name of God, whose letters in the Hebrew Bible are YWHW (often pronounced as "Yehweh" or "Jehovah"--but these are not correct pronunciations). Instead of even trying to pronounce the name, Jews refer to God as:

"The Name"

"Adonoi" ("our Adon")


Only the Jewish High Priest was taught the correct pronunciation, and he had to keep that secret.

Jehovah in the Bible is called "the Rider upon the clouds" or "rider upon a swift cloud" (Psalms 68:5, Isaiah 19:1; 2 Samuel 22:11, Psalms 18:11).

What is the meaning?

When the Sun is obscured by clouds, it "appears" that the Sun is "riding" the clouds:

The Sun appears to "ride" the clouds

According to the Egyptian priest and historian Manetho, Moses was a high priest of Amon-Ra (the Sun-God), and learned the secret pronunciation of the secret name of Amon-Ra (YHWH), and that is why he had the power to part the Red Sea and do other miraculous deeds.

These are hymns to Amon-Ra:

"Hail to Thee, Amon-Ra, the greatest in the sky.
O Amon-Ra master of the horizon!
O Thou art beautiful, Thou shinest with slendours.
Thou art risen in the sky,
Thou has crossed the celestial waters,
Thou art seen with the stars." (Egyptian Book of the Dead, chapter 15)

This "god" is not all-powerful, nor all-knowing! He cannot be the Supreme Being of the Cosmos!

The God of the Bible, Jehovah, is NOT presented as "All-Seeing" nor "All-Powerful" nor "All-Present". Jehovah is presented in the Book of Psalms (in the original Greek translation of Psalms) as dwelling "in" the Sun (literally: "El pitched His tent in the Sun").

Epimenedes (600 B.C.)

The ancient prophet of Crete, Epimenedes, one day noticed that his fellow Cretans were building a tomb for Apollo; the Sun-God. The Cretans thought that Apollo "died" every night and went to the Underworld, then was re-born every morning. So, they built the Sun-God a tomb to dwell in at night.

Epimenedes (who was known as a worker of miracles), saw this, and wrote a poem called Cretica in which he chastises the Cretans for building Apollo a tomb:

"They fashioned a tomb for thee, O holy and high one— The Cretans, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies!
But thou art not dead: thou livest and abidest forever,
For in thee we live and move and have our being. (Cretica)

Epimenides was saying, "You stupid Cretans! You don't need to build him a tomb! Apollo does not die at night! He does not go to the Underworld at night! He lives forever. We live in his light and because of his light and have our lives because of him!"

The Apostle Paul, after he becomes a Christian, quotes from this poem several times, and uses Epimenides' tribute to Apollo to refer to Jehovah:

12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own said, The Cretans are always liars and beasts, slow bellies.
13 This witness [Epimenedes] is true. (Titus 1:12-13)

28 For in him [Jehovah] we live, and move, and have our being..." (Acts 17:28)

In Titus Paul quotes Epimenedes, calling him a "prophet" and in Acts, Paul is quoting Epimenedes hymn to Apollo (the Sun-God) as applying to the God of Israel!

Why would Paul use a poem to the Sun-God in reference to Jehovah if Jehovah was NOT the Sun-God?

What more proof do you need? Jehovah is the Sun-God, or, in the Good Religion, he is the Guardian Spirit that dwells in the Sun. He is one of the Yazatas (Elohiym). Each star has a Guardian Spirit (Yazata), and how many stars are there?

Each and every human being also has a Guardian Spirit of a much lesser rank called a Fravashi. When we pray to "God" it is our Fravashi that actually hears us, and records our good and bad deeds.

A Fravashi (guardian spirit). This is the being that hears our prayers, and records our good and bad deeds.

To the ancient Israelites, the God of Israel is "EYL" (Hebrew: "Mighty One"), and is NOT the Supreme Being, but is one of the ELOHIYM ("Mighty Ones") whose dwelling place was the Sun, was the "Rider upon the clouds".

Jehovah has power over living things, but not over those who have died. That is why Jesus said:

"God [Eyl] is a God of the living, not of the dead." (Matt. ?????)

This is why Jehovah-Eyl could NOT promise Israel any Paradise or threaten them with Hell-fire; because these things don't exist on the physical plane.

When Jesus commanded His disciples to pray: "Our Heavenly Father, holy be Thy name" He was NOT referring to Jehovah! At no time did the Israelites consider Jehovah to be their "Father". He was refering to Ahura Mazda, who is often called "Father" in the Zoroastrian scriptures.

Remember...Jesus was a RABBI; a term only the Pharisees (including the Nazarenes) employed! He was a "Persian" Jew; meaning a Jew who followed the "Persian" religion (i.e. the Good Religion of Zoroaster).

Heavenly Father is NOT Jehovah! Jehovah is the Guardian Spirit of the Sun (and also this solar system). The Heavenly Father is AHURA MAZDA--

AHU(Being)RA(Supreme) MAZ(Wise)DA(To the Utmost/Infinitely)

Jehovah gets angry, repents, changes his mind, is NOT all-knowing, commands entire peoples (men, women, and children) to be "utterly destroyed" (such as the Canaanites, and Ammonites). He is an "angry god" and a "jealous god".

Jehovah is Allah, the God of Islaam; He Who has NOT begotten any Son.

Ahura Mazda, on the other hands, is All-Knowing, All-Seeing, ultimately loving and kind!

Ahura Mazda is our Father in Heaven.


The Good Religion (Behi-Deen) is the original Revelation of the Supreme Being (Ahura Mazda) to mankind!

The Good Religion is the pure and unadulterated source of Judaism, Christianity, and Islaam.

The great Jewish sage Hillel the Great was a Pharisee; a Jew who followered the "Persian" religion.

Jesus of Nazareth, the virgin-born Savior, was one of the three promised Saoyoshants of Zoroaster.

The prophet Muhammad was taught the Qur'an by Jabril, who was a Magussean; a follower of the Good Religion.

All monotheistic religions lead back to one Messenger....

Awsho Zarathustra Spitaman

We invite all Seekers of Truth to learn the Good Religion; the original and unadulterated Revelation of the Supreme Being to mankind. It is a religion without rites or rituals, and no laws except for "Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds". We have no priests, no pastors, no churches, no mosques, no synagogues, no rites, no rituals. Followers of The Good Religion practice it daily by thinking good thoughts, saying good words, and, especially, doing good deeds.

The Good Religion does have Holy Books! Our Sacred Scriptures is The World Bible.

The Friends of God International is a fellowship of people who follow The Good Religion as the Righteous Zarathustra intended it; without priests, without pastors, without rites, without rituals, without man-made doctrines and formalities. We invite all to join us: Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Animists, etc., in one Universal Brotherhood of the Friends of God.

What do we believe?

The Basic Beliefs of the Friends of God International include:

Belief in the One Supreme Being: Ahura Mazda (The Only-Wise Lord)

Belief in the existence of the soul/spirit and that this soul/spirit continues after we die.

Belief in the first Messenger of God, the Righteous Zarathustra Spitaman, and in his sacred poems: the Gathas.

Belief in the coming of the three World Saviors, all born of virgins.

Belief in that Rabbinical Judaism, Christianity, and Islaam are all forms of the Good Religion.

Belief in the Bridge of Separation (literally or metaphorically); that in the next world we shall be rewarded for our good thoughts/words/deeds, and punished for our bad thoughts/words/deeds.