Menu Heptaspenta 4020.11

NB I've invented some 'westernized' names of the Amesha Spenta for the benefit of European Zorochristians
The Heptaspenta are seven life-furthering divine beings (Amortons) associated with Mazda and Christ.
1. SPENTAMANIA - the 'Holy Spirit' is the power that changes minds, by bringing wisdom, changing values, developing the abilities of the mind and enlivening the life-loving energies of the soul.
2. EUNOIA - (Vohumanah) the Good Mind.
Eunoia is the mind of Good Purpose, a mind which wants to do the right thing. Its opposite is Kakonoia or the Bad kind of Mind.
3. EUSEBIA - good reverence and devotion, piety. This is the mental attention to the productive powers of life and the practical devotion to them.
4. EUKRATIA - Good Power, Good Rule . This is the good exercise of power and strength to regulate the activities of the world. Where there is perfect Eukratia, there is the Kingdom of Christ.
5. ARTISTA - Best Order . Artista in our minds is perfect understanding of reality. Artista in our words is truth-telling. Artista in our actions is righteous action. Artista in society is a situation of perfect connection, where the needs of each are met by the actions of others.
6. HARVATAS - Health, Wholeness, Integrity. Where all the parts of ourselves work in balance in happy harmony.
7. AMORTAS Non-dyingness, long-livedness, Where we continue to live without injury or disease for there is nothing to cause us damage.
24th May 2020 CE

MZ) I see them as divine beings which 'surround' Ahura Mazda, which are close to him and have a relationship with him. [note-(Perhaps they are his children?) - but not sure if e.g. Eunoia is a child]

However they don't all have the same kind of relationship with him. Some of them - perhaps Artista (asha/rightness) , Harvatas (wholeness), Amortas (nondyingness) are simply consequences of his presence. Others such as Eunoia (vohumanah/good-willing mind) are more active assistants to him, and others such as Eukratia (Good Rule) are maybe close to being attributes of him.

Also I know that yazads and amesha spentas are usually called angels in English, but I don't call them angels myself. An 'angel' means 'a messenger of God' and yazads and amesha spentas are more than that. In fact it would be more accurate to translate a yazad as 'a god' in English - both words mean 'something that is worshipped'.

The point of the invented names is mainly to make them more 'digestible' i.e. easier for the mind to take in and make use of. With Spenta Armaiti I was concerned that linguists don't agree on what Armaiti means, whereas Eusebia has a clear meaning in Greek. Arta & Artista are preferred to Asha because the origin of the word is clearer (it is derived from 'ar' = join).
Also Eunoia works in a Christian context because it already has the concept of Metanoia (changing one's thinking, repentance).