Menu Mitra poem in Rigveda 4020.11

1. Mitra, when speaking, stirs men to labour: Mitra sustains both the earth and heaven. Mitra beholds men with eyes that close not. To Mitra bring, with holy oil, oblation.
2 Foremost be he who brings Thee food, O Mitra, who strives to keep Thy sacred Law, O Āditya. He whom Thou help is never slain or conquered; on him, from near or far, falls no affliction.
3 Joying in sacred food and free from sickness, with knees bent lowly on the earth's broad surface, following closely the Āditya's statute, may we remain in Mitra's gracious favour.
4 Auspicious and adorable, this Mitra was born with fair dominion, King, Disposer. May we enjoy the grace of him the Holy, yeah!, rest in his propitious loving-kindness.
5 The great Āditya, to be served with worship, who stirs men, is gracious to the singer. To Mitra, Him most highly to be lauded, offer in fire oblation that he loves.
6 The gainful grace of Mitra, God, Supporter of the race of man, gives splendour of most glorious fame.
7 Mitra whose glory spreads afar, He who in might surpasses heaven, surpasses earth in His renown.
8 All the Five Races have repaired to Mitra, ever strong to aid, for He sustains all the Gods.
9 Mitra to Gods, to living men, to him who strews the holy grass, gives food fulfilling sacred Law.

Rigveda, Book 2, Hymn 59