Menu Doctrine of Jesus not the point 4020.11

Anon) The doctrine of Jesus Christ isn't really the point at all. While people typify as some kind of hippy Buddha that isn't the point. If you read the first 500 years of Christian philosophers and mystagogues you will soon understand that.

The point is a much deeper metaphysical system based upon the fallen souls that sprang from Adam, being alienated from the true God, and being ruled over by Satan & Demons. Only through the sacrifice of the New Adam, the God-Man, is the fallen system hacked to give men like you and I the potential to reach God through the Logos.

The Logos is the Asha ( of sorts ) the central numinous force within Zoroastrianism to my understanding.
Thus the role of the Messiah was to be the Logos / Asha as Flesh, the Flaming Light of Universal Order made Man. But it is not about his place and time as Man, as Jesus of Nazareth, it is about the hacking of all reality that came from his death on the cross. The conquered death and freed man.