Menu Mazda and Heptaspenta 4020.11

MAZDA and the HEPTASPENTA (in Zartochrestianism)

MAZDA is the Wise One who is creator and perfect regulator of all things. Mazda is the Holy Father - both Father of All, and also the Christfather, for Chrestus (the ideal human person who works in the service of Mazda) depends on him as a Son. (For the nature of Christ is to assist Mazda, so without Mazda there would be no Christ)

However Mazda is not perfectly Sovereign (always in charge) in the world. The fullness of his reign depends on us to accept his kingship and to serve him.


The Heptaspenta are seven divine beings (Amortons) who surround Mazda the Wise One and have a close relationship with him as children to their parents.

1. EUNOIA - (Vohumanah) the Good Mind.
Eunoia is the mind of Good Purpose, a mind which wants to do the right thing. Its opposite is Kakonoia or the Bad kind of Mind. Eunoia is the distinctive mark of Chrestus - the Good One.

2. SPENTAMANIA - the 'Holy Spirit' is the power that changes minds, by bringing wisdom, changing values, developing the abilities of the mind and enlivening the life-loving energies of the soul.

3. EUSEBIA - good reverence and devotion, piety. This is the mental attention to the productive powers of life and the practical devotion to them.

4. EUKRATIA - Good Power, Good Rule . This is the good exercise of power and strength to regulate the activities of the world. Where there is perfect Eukratia, there is the Kingdom of Mazda.

5. ARTISTA - Best Order . Artista in our minds is perfect understanding of reality. Artista in our words is truth-telling. Artista in our actions is righteous action. Artista in society is a situation of perfect connection, where the needs of each are met by the actions of others.

6. HARVATAS - Health, Wholeness, Integrity. Where all the parts of ourselves work in balance in happy harmony.

7. AMORTAS Non-dyingness, long-livedness, Where we continue to live without injury or disease for there is nothing to cause us damage.

May 2020 & Nov 2020 CE