Menu Mithra and Statue of Liberty 4020.12

AR) The Statue of Liberty was erected in Paris and New York on the face of Mitra, the sun god
In 1886, France presented the Statue of Liberty of New York to the United States on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of American independence.
A smaller example of this statue can be found on the Saint-Paris River 15 near the Grunel Bridge
The statue was created by Frederick Augustus Bertolomi, a follower of Avesta and Mitra, so he based it on the image of Mitra in the Museum of London, which emits seven rays of light. A ray of light shines and becomes the motto of this statue that illuminates the freedom of the world
In connection with the solar hat on Mitra, which Mr. Bartlomi also performed on the Statue of Liberty, Rand Shiraz Hafez, a follower of Mitra, wrote a poem about the sun and a song.

According to Dr. Ahmad Nadalian: "According to a study conducted by UNESCO in a book entitled The Sun in Myths and Art, seven rays of light above the head of the Statue of Liberty in New York have been sealed from worship." The statue of the God of Mercy at the British Museum in London, which has such a beam of seven lights, confirms this claim. "

This right hand that the torch has risen is the sun that rises from the east. We have this in our national anthem. The head of the Statue of Liberty shines, which is the sun, the symbol of the Indo-European race, the Aryans

In the past, Iranians and Hindus valued and worshiped Mitra. But over time, both in the Zoroastrian mercenary religion and in the Brahmanical religion, the status of this god decreased to the degree of a god and a prominent attribute. But this destruction gave a fundamental place and true originality to God's mercy and became a means to truth, righteousness, optimism, benevolence and humanity. Of course, the religion of Mehr or Mithraism in the ancient world grew so large that it was close to overthrowing Christianity and becoming a public religion in half of the world, but it should also be borne in mind that the religion of Mehr, which stretches from Iran to Rome Half of Europe became so popular that it underwent so much change that there was no way comparable to the cult of love among the ancient Aryans and Mazdis of Iran.
It cannot be said that Mitra was the creator of God or the Prophet. What can be deduced from his selfishness in the beliefs of his worshipers is that he is a mediator or liberator among the people, and in his absence lovers must wait (return) to return to earth.

MK) Mitra (Mehr)
Goddess/Yazata (Female)
Originally Mehr or Mithra meaning Sun, is the Sun Goddess (or God -bi gender) of seals, agreements and treaties.
Mitra is the leader of Yazatas. Mitra stands for honesty, friendship, contracts and meetings. Mitra was the Great Goddess of light, love, contracts and friendship in ancient times (pre Vedai and Avestan Period). She also maintains the cosmic order. At one time, Mitra was the Major Ancient Goddess of Persia and Mitraism (Mithraism) was a major religion.
Mithraism also became popular in India, Greece and Rome! Later on, Christianity adopted many of its doctrines and symbology from Mithraism.
After Zoroastrianism, Mitra's status was reduced to a Yazata. Ashkanids (Parthians) used to worship and cherish Mitra (Mehr) Goddess of the shining light.
The autumn Persian festival of Mehregan originated as a ritual dedicated to Mehr (Mitra). Unlike Zurvan, who is Gender-less and neutral, Mitra is Bi-Gendered, both female and male.
Mitra is one of the most powerful and one of the original of the ancient Persian Gods and Goddesses. Mitra is the Persian Sun Goddess. Mitra shines wisdom and light upon the good Aryans (Noble People).