Menu God is all good 4020.12

The Eternal, Almighty One (God) is ALL GOOD, and from The One, no other than Good can emanate. Yet the wicked assert that if there is Good then there must be Evil and that if Good has a source likewise Evil must have the same source. This is foolishness and a deception of the natural mind (ego) striving to justify its own corruption by sanctifying its existence through the usurpation of Divinity.
Those same wickedly ignorant souls have personified their wickedness in the form of ‘a twin god of evil’, ‘Ahriman’, or an ‘Adversary’ or ‘Devil’ in a vain attempt to avoid responsibility for our own wickedness as though another could be equal yet opposite to The One.
‘Ahriman’ (Evil) is not cause but effect; The cause is the abuse of our freedom of choice. Yes, there are ‘two mentalities’ available to the minds of humanity, that which IS (intentionally created – Goodness) and that which IS NOT (the uncreated, the consequences of choosing other than what IS - Not Goodness). In order that we might freely choose Goodness, The One, In all compassion, blesses all humanity with a free mind to choose; knowing that the option of not choosing Goodness would result in an unintended reality that is contrary to Asha (Truth, Righteousness, Divine Order, the Way of The One). ‘Ahriman’ (Evil) is humanity’s personification of the cumulative effects of our self-centered choices, that unintended reality that is contrary to Asha.
Who then is the creator of Ahriman (Evil) if not humanity itself? And from where does this uncreated reality arise? From humanity’s abuse and over-reliance upon the natural mind (ego – the base mentality) that while most definitely has a proper place within Asha (insuring our material survival) yet, left unrestrained by The Good Mind, does quickly come to dominate our choices perpetuating within each of us, and thus the world, evil (Not Good). Thus, the battle continues to rage both within ourselves, with every choice, and within the world.
There is no duality in the Divine. There is Only The One, who is ALL GOOD.
The Origin/Cause of Evil
Third Proclamation of Asa Ruhka Nahri