Menu Agathon contested 4020.12

KA) Zartusht divinated Ahura Mazda before Greeks had Agathon. Besides, what has this to do with the understanding of our mythologies?

Your conflations are not based on academic research and scholarly work. I disdain this travesty.

Besides, plato was a pseudoscientist and philosophy lite plagiarist.

Also platonic forms are the ultimate delusional dead end concrete conservatism of ideology that has deformed all christian ideology forever.

Plato is the worst thing to happen to western philosophy

Also there is no Greek mythological figure called the Good. Greek gods are elemental and amoral, capricious forces. The moralistic edicts of Ahura Mazda, are a completely dimension of contemplation of choice by man to live up to mythological ideals.

1. Zoroaster's teaching was all about separating the good from the bad. He may not have called his highest god 'The Good' but in effect 'The Good' is the god he worshipped.
He used lots of words to describe different aspects of his god - not only Ahura and Mazda but the different Amesha Spentas - and what they have in common is they are all part of The Good.
2. I half agree with you about Plato. A god needs to be an active being not just a static ideal. Our understanding of Agathon doesn't have to be the same as Plato's.