Menu Zoroastrian Christian 4020.12


This is a group for people with some knowledge of both Zoroastrianism and Christianity who are interested in developing a new synthesis of the two.

We revere Zoroaster who perhaps lived in Iranian lands about 1000BC. Zoroaster was the first teacher of many of the doctrines of Christianity, but Satan has caused Christians to forget his contribution and believe in a false history of their religion. We think that the truth must be recovered for Christianity to become strong enough to take on Satan in the current era.

Zoroastrian Christianity is primarily founded on historical Iranian and Greek thinking, but individual Zoroastrian Christians may also be interested in other traditions.

Zorochristy is the group founder's own project to create a framework for Zoroastrian Christianity. Zorochristians recognise Protarche as the name of the ultimate source of everything and Zurvan as the ground of existence in time, and Tyche as the active agent of Zurvan who produces the activity of the world. We recognise a holy trinity of Agathon, Christos and Spentamania. Agathon is the Holy Father who is the Good. Christos is the Holy Son of Good-willing Mind and Spentamania is the Holy Life-loving Spirit. We revere the Christangelia - the angels of Christ - who show us what is Christos. These are especially the divine angels - the Archangel Mithras and the Angel Anhita, and the semi-divine angels of Zartus (Zarathustra), Jesus and Georgius (St.George) of whom Jesus is regarded as the foremost demonstrator of Christ. We recognise as senior magi: Zoroaster, Plato and Aristotle. We use the New Testament but not the Old.