Menu Michael as Christ 4021.01

Christos Dikaios Krites
In many depictions, Michael is represented as an angelic warrior, fully armed with helmet, sword, and shield.[24] The shield may bear the Latin inscription Quis ut Deus
or the Greek inscription Christos Dikaios Krites or its initials

Dikaios (Greek: δικαιος, lit. 'righteous, just'; sometimes romanised as dicæus) is a title given to holy men and women of the Old Testament in Eastern Christianity..
The scene of the Anastasis is united with the scene of the Last Judgment, covering the upper walls of the domical vault. At the centre of the wide bema arch forming the border of these two scenes is a portrait of Archangel Michael inside a medallion. One of his duties is to convey the judged souls to the heaven. There is a sphere in his left hand, incscribed with the initial letters of the words Christos Dikaios Krites (Christ the Equitable Judge). In his right hand there is a staff.