Menu Mithras the Capable 4021.01

Mithras is perhaps the spirit of the ideal man. He is firstly a man who is aiming for what is Good, (the Agathon). To do this effectively he needs to know what is good which requires a sensitivity to the world and intelligence. However this is not enough, he needs the power to assert himself in the world . He needs to be strong and capable so that he can implement his will against resistance.

Mithras is not a determined individualist - he is good with people, and a leader of men. Nevertheless he has the confidence and capability to pursue his own path. Perhaps we can imagine Mithras being brought up as a Scythian cowboy, with his boyhood values not completely different to the ideal American cowboy of later times.

"The masculine American male is a dying breed. We have been told for far too long that violence is never the answer. We've been told that it's cruel to kill our own food. We've been conditioned to believe that there is no place in modern society for the man who refuses to shave his chest or wear skinny jeans. As a are a protector. As a are a provider. As a are solely responsible for the safety and well being of your family. How can you be a good husband if you can't defend your wife? How can you be a good father if you can't protect your children? Remember...the eyes of the children are fixed upon you. You serve as an example of what young men should grow up to be...and of what young women should seek out in a partner. So...grow your beard, wear your boots, eat your steak, carry a knife, own a gun, protect your woman, fight for what is right and just. Be strong. Be of good courage. Long live the masculine American male."