Menu Mithras, God of Freedom 4021.01

MITHRAS - God of Freedom

Mithras serves the Good God Agathon. He will not be a slave to any other. He is fully mature in Head, Heart and Hand. He can't be deceived by trickery, emotionally undermined or physically overpowered. He is a leader of men who brings others into alliance to fight for good order. Mithras is in an eternal struggle with Azidak the Tyrant, each trying to win over the goddess Tyche who weaves the fortunes of men.

Mithras is the favourite son of Zeus and Sophia. His father Zeus is the embodiment of righteous rule that creates Arta or good order in the world of Aion-Zurvan. His mother Sophia is the embodiment of wisdom - she is the wise one who is sensitive to people and their needs and has understanding of the Hexis or state of the world and the laws of Aion. Zeus and Sophia work together as King and Queen - Zeus ruling and Sophia guiding.