Menu Zoroastrian Christianity 4021.01


Zoroastrian Christians believe that Christianity needs radical reform to meet the needs of the current age. We need to return to the roots of Christianity which are found in Persia with the prophet Zarathustra and not in ancient Israel as is popularly believed.

Zoroastrian Christians recognise that there is much that is good in the existing tradition of European Christianity and we want to keep as much as possible of the wisdom and good practices that are found there.

Zoroastrian Christians value the scriptures of the Zoroastrian Mazdean religion known as the Avesta, along with many classical greek and hellenistic writings. This includes the Jesus scriptures found in the Judeochristian New Testament and gnostic writings of the same era. However normally we don't consider the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament as part of our scripture.


Zartochrestianism is a particular proposal for an orthodox form of Zoroastrian Christianity.At the present time we propose two trinities to form the foundation of the religion:


The Holy Trinity comprises of three persons:


Agathon is 'The Good'. He is Deus Pater - God the Father or Divine Father. God the Father is God Transcendent. He is the incorruptible heavenly source of all that is good.

In his active form he is Ashura-Mazda or Aramazda - the Wise Lord of the Persian Scripture, which as both male (Ashura) and female (Mazda) aspects. In his passive form he is Ushta - joy or radiant happiness

Ashura - the male aspect of Aramazda is the righteous governor of the world.
Mazda - the female aspect of Aramazda is the wisdom-power behind all creation, the one who births everything into existence.

Agathon is known as Father because he looks after us as a Father and also makes demands on us, for we have a duty to work for the Good.


Chrestus is both the 'annointed one' and the 'good one'. He is Deus Filius, or God the Son or the Divine Son of Agathon. God the Son is God incarnated in human form. He is annointed by him because of his goodness (or righteousness) to be his agent in the world and do his work. Chrestus is the human form of Ashura-Mazda.

The Christus (the Annointed) is also the Chrestus (the Good One), the servant of life, seeking the wellbeing of the soul of the living world. The Chrestus Aeternus (Christ Eternal or Divine Christ) works through individual human beings - some more than others.

Such individual people working for the good of the world are known as chrestors - 'useful people, do-gooders, saviours'. Those chrestors who most represent the Chrestus we venerate as saints.

Chrestus is the Good Lord , and represents the highest capability of the human mind to produce the Good. Chrestus works to create ASHA - the harmonious and flourishing world order. Whereas Mazda is indiscriminate in her creating, Chrestus discriminates between the good and bad behaviour of the creatures Mazda has created. Chrestus is concerned with the whole picture of communal life and the interrelation of different beings. Chrestus guides individuals to the better path for the good of the whole and fights against the evil supernatural beings.

Chrestus is a universal power but can appear in many cultural forms - as gods or angels (such as Mithras) and as holy saints (such as Jesus).


Spentamania is Spiritus Sanctus or the Holy Spirit - the life-loving and life-promoting spirit that can enter into a person and make them worthy co-workers of Chrestus and Aramazda.


The Saintly Trinity are the three most venerated Saints of Zartochrestianism, often known as angel-saints for they are saints who have a message for us. They are also sometimes known as the Senior Chrestors (do-gooders).

1. ZARTUS - also known as Zarathustra or Zoroaster

Zartus is the Philosopher Saint - the one who who has knowledge of the cosmos and can discern the best ethical world-view and give to us the best religion.

Zartus is sometimes known as Zartus Rectus (the Righteous) or as Zartus Sapiens (the Wise)


Jesus is the Compassionate Saint - the one who sees our real human nature and needs and gives this the highest value regardless of human-manufactured regulations and understandings which contradict it.

Zartochrestians see Jesus' voluntary suffering on the cross as a sign of his compassion. We don't believe that the historic person of Jesus can be considered a scapegoat for all the sins of the world. Rather his action was a demonstration of how the eternal Chrestus takes on the burden of counteracting the sins of the fallible.

Jesus is known as Jesus Christus (the annointed) as he can represent the whole of the divine Chrestus. He can also be known as Jesus Chrestus - Jesus the Good. Another name is Jesus Gnosticus (Jesus the Knowing) for He understands existence excellently with both his mind and his soul.


Saint George is the Brave Saint. He is the protector of Chrestus. He is the one who will fight for the cause of good and right and never desert it whether he has the strength to prevail, or is overcome and put to a torturous death.


Franciscus Pauper
St.Francis the Poor, who was willing to give up his riches and become a pauper the better to serve the righteous cause. He has a special concern for the poor, the sick and the weak, children and animals.


Archangel Mithras

Saint Mithras is the Archangel - the divinely appointed ruler of the angels. He is the intermediary between God and Man, and fights against Satan and the Antichrist.

Angel Anhita

Saint Anhita is the Angel who is the protector and nurturer of the Zorochristian Church and brings nourishment and purity.


The Chalipa Cross in a circle is the basic symbol of Zartochrestianism. The chalipa (four-footed) cross is an equilateral cross with four 'feet' at the extremities of each 'leg'. It represents the cosmic order of Asha.

Sometimes there is an additional symbol superimposed in the centre - a seven-flamed fire pot in a circle or octagon, or a seven-rayed sun design. The former represents the presence of Agathon on earth, while the latter represents Agathon in his heavenly aspect.


The Magi Doctores Seniores or senior teaching magi are three wise men who are given pride of place by Zartochrestians. Their writings are considered the first source for philosophers to learn about Agathon the Good.

1. ZOROASTER (circa 1000 BC)
2. PLATO (circa 400 BC)
3. ARISTOTLE (circa 350 BC)

The writings of these masters form the foundation texts of Zartochrestian philosophy.


1. PERSIAN TESTAMENT - The Avesta of the Persians (especially the Zartigathas - or songs of Zartus)
2. JESUS TESTAMENT - Similar to the Judeochristian New Testament with additional 'gnostic' texts.


26th March - Zoroaster's birthday
Roman Easter - Jesus
23rd April - St.George
29th September - Mithras the Archangel
4th October - St.Francis
29th October - Cyrus Day (secular event)
25th December - Jesus

Zorochristians may also celebrate the Popular Mithraic Festivals of Ostara (Easter/Spring Equinox), Mithrakana (Michaelmas/Autumnal Equinox) and Yalda (Yuletide)


Zorochristianity is about developing our ability - individually and in community - to bring about the good existence, and then working to do so.

We believe in the idea of a PARADISIUM - the ideal order of life - which exists in its ideal form 'in heaven' - or 'in the world of forms' as Plato would say - or 'in the Pleroma' .

Our task is to work to make this divine ideal a reality in the world, i.e. to make this world like the divine one. Zorochristians explicitly take on this work under the leadership of the angels of Chrestus.

Like the angel-saints we need to be Chrestors (useful people) - i.e. people devoted to the Good, and working successfully for it.

THE GOOD (Bonum or Agathon)

In brief Zartochrestianism is about 'Striving for the Good'. To do this we need to be able to recognise the Good, and have the necessary understandings, abilities and motivations to play our part in producing Good in the World.

Ad bonum tendimus et via artista est.

Marcus Zartianus
May 2019 CE and January 2021 CE