Menu Prayer is not effective 4021.01

BL) Prayer is demonstrably not effective.

MM) But actions are effective.

BL) Well...yeah.

ED) Exactly, MM

MM) It's effective at changing YOU, and then you change the world.

BL) That's where it gets vague.

MM) Just because a thought is slippery doesn’t make it false.

BL) That may be but using that word as a descriptor raises suspicions from the start.
BL) slippery that is.

MM) I can understand your concerns because it has a religious connotation, and religion has been used to control people more than help them. The way I'm using the word is different. The world is full of potential energies. They are in constant motion. And what we know from experience is that reality tends to show up for us according to what we think about it. Dogs and kids, for example, know instinctively (usually) whether someone is trustworthy because of their vibe. A person with a bad vibe almost invariably gets negative feedback from the world, because that's the vibe they're putting out. In my approach, prayer is "vibe management." That's why I said it changes YOU and then you change the world. The world always responds more favorably to someone with good vibes. See what I mean?