Menu The Good and the One 4021.01

MZ) In Zartochrestianism we worship Agathon the Good, but we don't consider this the same as the One or the Source (Protarche). I am not convinced that the One and the Good have to be the same thing.

In Zartochrestianism we distinguish Ontia (or Anghia) - Existence - what just is - which is brought into being by Zurvan and is naturally mixed Good and Bad. Separately we recognise Agathon and Kakon - Good and Bad, which are of a different nature to Ontia.

We can imagine Ontia as the Earth, initially cold and lifeless, and Agathon as the sun that brings light, warmth and life as it rises in the sky. Agathon the Sun affects the Earth, but it is separate from it. The Agatha are the 'good processes' or 'good beings' that come into existence on Earth as a result of the Sun Agathon shining down upon it.

Kakon the Bad can sometimes come from just the absence of the Good, but it can also be a positive force for evil and not just an absence.

Kakon is a bit like the moon. In so far as it shines any light, it is a partial reflection of the light of Agathon the sun, and not its own independently generated light. However the light reflected from the moon undergoes a change as it is reflected so it is no longer the same as sunlight.