Contents Page Modern Mithraism Library - Articles


Ostara Table (4021.03)
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Mithrakana (4020.09)
September festival Read More

Mithrakana (4020.09)
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Calendar of Festivals and Notable Days (4020.07)
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Litha (4020.06)
Midsummer festival Read More

Litha - A Summer Festival (4020.06)
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Mithraic Lent (4020.02)
A time in which we would withdraw from our usual dependencies on the outside world Read More

Mithraic Lent (4020.02)
I suggest Western Mithraists could take up the custom of a Mithraic Lent. This would be a period of time in which we would withdraw from our usual dependencies on the outside world. Read More

Yalda (4019.12)
Yalda is the time of re-birth of the Sun , which is symbolic of the re-birth of Mithras Chrestus. Read More

Yalda Night Poem (4019.12)
Yalda is the celebration of the re-birth of the Sun and birth of Mithra which occurs at the Winter Solstice. Read More

Mithrakana (4019.09)
We are now at the time of year of the traditional festival of Mithras - known as Mithrakana or Mehregan to the Persians and Michaelmas in the West. Read More

Mithraic Easter (4019.03)
The spring equinox is the Mithraic Easter Read More

Atarkana Festival (4018.11)
Atarkana is a time to celebrate fire, the external fire and the internal spiritual fire. Read More

A Mitrakana Resolution (4018.10)
Mitrakana or Festival of Mithra is celebrated in late September or early October. Some suggest celebrating it on the autumn equinox, however October 2nd is the most usual date for Iranian Zoroastrians, and a good alternative I think. Read More

Seven Festivals of Universal Mithraism (4018.09)
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Spring festival of Novalux (4018.03)
I recommend Western Mithraists celebrate Novalux ("New Light") as a Spring Festival on the spring equinox or 21st March , as the Persians are celebrating Nowruz at the same time. Read More

Mitravian Festivals (4017.04)
Festivals of Mitravism Read More