Contents Page Modern Mithraism Library - Articles

Agatha and Runes

The Heptaspenta (4021.01)
A traditional Zoroastrian list of seven aspects of Agathon, updated for Zorochristians Read More

Heptaspenta (4020.11)
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Mazda and Heptaspenta (4020.11)
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Zurvan and Drata (4020.06)
The world and our actions Read More

Zartochrestian Runa (4020.05)
Some possible Zorochristian concepts Read More

Zartomithraic Runa (4020.05)
A list of some possible Zorochristian concepts: Read More

Runic variations on the Logos (4019.06)
The word LOGOS had various meanings in Greek philosophy. In the modern 'Zartiruna' we distinguish four separate concepts related to the word: Read More

The Heptaspenta (4019.06)
A traditional Zoroastrian list of seven aspects of God, updated for Western Mithraism. Read More

Runic variations on the Logos (4019.06)
The word LOGOS had various meanings in Greek philosophy. In the modern 'Zartiruna' we distinguish four separate concepts related to the word: Read More

Entus, Arkus and Entons (4017.09)
Entus, Arkus and Entons Read More

Arkus and Arkons (4017.09)
Arkus is the World-Ruler. It is the aspect of the Entus or World-Being which shapes its future course. Read More

The Creation (4017.04)
In the beginning there was the CELESTIUM - a realm of pure ideas outside normal time and space in which lived MAZDA CELESTIA - the Celestial Wisdom - Queen of Heaven. Read More

Mitravism - Creation, Trinity & Arkons (4017.04)
In the beginning there was the CELESTIUM - a realm of pure ideas outside normal time and space in which lived MAZDA CELESTIA - the Celestial Wisdom - Queen of Heaven. Read More