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Modern Chivalry?

The casual reader may wonder what value chivalry could possibly have today.

The relevance has to do with the positive contributions of medieval times
to our present day culture. By studying these historic roots, we better
understand the world we live in. We can start to repair cultural deficits long

The most important factor centers on male issues. Medieval literature is
responsible for fostering our concept of being a gentleman. In our everyday
interactions we see how the idea of gentlemanly behavior has deteriorated. The
result? A lot of men cling to incomplete or even negative images of what it
means to be a man. A number of social problems stem from this, from deadbeat
dads to spousal abuse to alcohol addiction.

Chivalry once provided the foundation for our male code of ethics. As an
ethical standard in medieval times, it certainly had its failings. Nevertheless,
its influence shaped the basic tenets for European gentlemanly behavior. In the
1700s, it was embraced by our visionary forefathers on this side of the
Atlantic, who envisioned proper social interaction as an integral part of what
America was all about. The freedom they fought for was not an empty concept. It
took for granted personal ethics and responsibility. They knew that, without a
moral base, freedom easily degenerates into a social liability, instead of
serving as a prodigious source of personal inspiration. That the freedom they
cherished should be used to protect pornographers and scandal mongers was not
their original intent. As disciples of the Enlightenment, they anticipated that
humanity would progress into something better. They knew that freedom without
ethics is like a ship without a rudder—unable to reach its destination, which is
the personal fulfillment of us all.

Chivalry spells out certain ethical standards that foster the development
of manhood. Men are called to be: truthful, loyal, courteous to others,
helpmates to women, supporters of justice, and defenders of the weak. They are
also expected to avoid scandal.

Beautiful ideals! They attract us with a sense of nostalgia that feels
almost almost religious. That's because they are part of us already.
Unfortunately, they contend with powerful, often destructive influences, like
commercial television, that bombard us with outrageously bullish images of men
that are, at best, inappropriate.

The virtues of chivalry offer more than pleasantries and politeness. They
give purpose and meaning to male strength, and therefore support the overall
workings of society. They remind us that Camelot is an ideal worth striving for,
the reflection of who we are when we are at our best. Here is a short summary:

Truth provides the foundation of chivalry. A man who lies cannot be
trusted. His strength and ambitions cannot be esteemed. Truth should always
remain our greatest concern.

Loyalty denotes a relationship that is based on truth and commitment.
If we are fortunate, we have companions who are loyal to us—but we must be loyal
to others as well. Remember, loyalty is a virtue to cultivate, even when it is
not reciprocated.

Courtesy provides the means for cordial and meaningful relationships. A
society cannot be healthy without courteous interaction. We sometimes admire
people who trample on courtesy to get what they want—unfortunately, the
contentious world they create is very disappointing, and we all have to live in

Chivalry calls men to honor women, and to serve as their helpmates.
This precept merely states the natural order of things. Men should honor women
first as indiviudals, but also as the conduits and nurturers of life. That
certain men commit violence against women, or treat them with disrespect, is an
outrage against nature, and a slight against manhood.

Justice involves little more than treating people fairly. It also calls
for mercy. We all make mistakes.

We admire men who are strong, but if their strength is not directed to
uphold what is good, what value does it have? We are called to use our strength
to defend those who cannot defend themselves, and commit ourselves to just

Nothing is more unmanly and corruptive to society than delighting in
scandal and gossip. Not only do you harm those who are victims of gossip, you
harm yourself as well. How? By becoming a creature who is unloving. It is wrong
to delight in the guilt or suffering of others, or to feed the flames of
scandal, a major occupation of nightly television. No one is perfect. That fact
in itself unites us all.

Chivalry also speaks about romantic love. People today often find
romantic love disappointing. It promises more than it delivers, especially in
regards to permanence. Why? Because we perceive romantic love as something
spontaneous, something that does not demand work and a strong moral base.
Medieval literature tells us quite the opposite. The very essence of romantic
love is commitment. This is where chivalry provides a vital ingredient. Love
relationships provide the laboratory where the virtues of chivalry are tested to
their fullest, and manliness is proved. An added bonus shows that proper love
encourages us to do our best in all things.

We often take who we are for granted—as if our beliefs and behaviors are
fixed in stone. The truth is that we are creatures constantly in the making. We
either move forward in our development, or backwards. Staying still is the same
as going backwards. Why? Because the movement of time never holds still. We
either progress with it, or are left behind.

From the Chivalry Now website

Jan 2012
