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Mithraic Mysteries

At a particular level of spiritual development it is immediately evident that the myths of the Mystery religions are essentially an allegory of the states of consciousness which are experienced by the initiate on the path towards self-realization. The various deeds and adventures of mythical heroes are not poetical, but real events; they are the specific actions of one's inner being and shine forth from within the one who attempts to follow the path of initiation which leads beyond the fulfillment of the merely human mode of existence. These adventures are not allegorical concepts, but experiences. The philosopico-allegorical interpretation of myths is still mere allegory and no less superficial than the naturalistic and anthropomorphic interpretation of myths. This implies that people can learn a valuable lesson from this subject only if they already know something; otherwise the "door" remains inexorably shut. This also applies what I am going to say about the inner meaning of the Mithras myth.

Extracted from "The Path of Enlightenment according to the Mithraic Mysteries" by Julius Evola.
