Back Introduction to Euromazdaism - Apr 2022


Euromazdaism is a framework for what we hope will become a major new religious tradition able to compare with existing world religions such as Christianity and Hinduism. It is founded on the historic Iranian religion and much inspired by the teachings of Zoroaster who has already had a huge influence on the development of the wisdom traditions of the world. It is also influenced by early Iranian and European polytheism and by the ancient Greek philosophers.

Culturally it has Greco-Persian foundations - drawing from the philosophy of both ancient Persia and ancient Greece. Greco-Persian wisdom is the foundation of Western Civilisation and Euromazdaism provides a gateway for us to renew our contact with our intellectual cultural roots.

Fundamentals of Existence

Anghus is 'existence' - and is considered the primary fact. ("I think therefore something must exist")

The Anghotria or 'existential triad' is Euromazdaism's attempt at explaining the basic dynamic or tension within existence. The Anghotria can be seen as three 'children' of Anghus.

First of the Triad is Zurvan, the underlying substrate or 'ground of being' within which everything 'swims'. Zurvan is measured as a stretch of time which can be either unlimited (Apeiron) or limited (Aion).

Second of the Triad is Vaius, the mover or 'blower'. Vaius is the source of all movement and activity.

Third of the Triad is Agatha or the 'Ideal Good'. Agatha is the most desirable, the most beautiful, the most enchanting.

Vaius desires Agatha and He is impelled into action by his desire to join with Her. However this is not a straightforward process and Vaius comes up against all kinds of obstacles that limit His ability to attain Her. Often He may settle for a second-best option of only partial communion, but eventually something in Him will spur him on to seek something greater and more fulfilling.

Varieties of the religion

We recognise three separate varieties of Euromazdaism which are:
Christian Mazdaism, Heathen Mazdaism and Gnostic Mazdaism.

Christian Mazdaism recognises a kinship with Jesu-Christianity and particularly emphasizes the dualistic ethical philosophy of Zoroaster and the teachings of ancient philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle. Christian Mazdeans, also called Zorochristians, strive to become Chrestors or Useful People who work to do good wherever they can and to renovate the world into an earthly paradise. They worship the twelve Agathoi - the divine good beings who are the children of Vaius and Agatha. The Agathoi include Mazda the active Wisdom, Artista the Best Order and Eunoia the Good Consciousness. Zorochristians also worship the Christoi demigods - Mithras and Chrestus - who provide an ideal example to them. Mithras is like a ruling prince who strives for holistic good order for his people, while Chrestus his younger brother provides a more personal concern and service to each individual. Zorochristians strive to build churches which are communities of Christonoians - people with a Christ-consciousness.

Heathen Mazdaism is a more fully polytheistic popular religion. It sees itself as the Western answer to Hinduism and a modern pan-European successor to the pagan religions of the pre-Christian past. Heathens Mazdeans worship many gods and especially the twelve Asa Yazata demigods. These include Mithras and Chrestus - known to Heathens as the Aspina twins - but also Anhita the Mother, Vatis the Overcomer, Hestia the Homemaker, Percus the Striker and several more. Heathens are not so focussed on changing the world as the Zorochristians are, but on living the best they can in the world as it is, while still doing what they can to make their surroundings more conducive to the good life. Heathens strive to build Pagi ("villages"), clans and tribes which share in the same common culture and have a degree of self-governance and economic independence.

Gnostic Mazdaism is the least dogmatic and most individualistic variety of Mazdaism. Gnostics work to develop their own knowledge and understanding of reality. They focus on their personal spirituality and mental development. They strive to develop a clear mind that can see things as they really are. They like to develop more complicated and nuanced understandings of how the world works and the nature of good and evil. While gnosticism is essentially an individual path - gnostics flourish when they are able to share ideas with others, argue points of disagreement, listen to the teachings of those wiser than they and perhaps be guided by them or guide others. So gnostics work to create the conditions for the best flourishing and progress of their knowledge-seeking community. Knowledge though is not an end in itself and gnostics seek to make use of their knowledge to make the best intervention into the wider society to shift it to a better future. This needs to be done in the right way and at the right time (Kairos).

Ad bonum tendimus et via artista est.

Last updated April 4022 ME (2022 CE)
