
A Prosopon is a particular way of the soul, a kind of personality, a spirit-character. There are lots of Prosopa - lots of ways of being - that each tend to produce a different impact on the world.

Prosopa may be seen as angels in a Christian context, as gods or demigods in the pagan world-view and as personality-types in a secular context. In traditional Zoroastrianism they are referred to as Yazata if they are deemed worthy of worship (though this term may also include the Agathoi).

Each of the Prosopa has a particular character, each has a different spirit at work in them. Thus each has tasks that they are better suited to perform than the others.

Dodeka Prosopa

A list of twelve prosopa grouped in three ranks. They are all considered helpful to us, but unlike the Agathoi - or the Christian angels - they are not necessarily thought of as perfectly good.

First Rank

Sarus has a sensitive soul and a deep interest in individuals. He understand people and has respect for their innate dignity. He tries to help everybody and especially those in greatest need.

Anhita is fulfilled as a mother, she has a love of life and a desire to nurture others, especially the young and vulnerable and to help sustain them and see them grow and flourish, protected from the wider uncaring world.

Mithras has a mature rounded character. He has an inclination to look at things as a whole and with dispassion. He is motivated by a desire to see good order in human affairs and he has all the ability needed to influence others to come into line.

Second Rank

Percus has an impetuous character and is easily raised to anger. He has great strength and will strike out against that which is creating barriers to the good life.

Friya is motivated by fiery love.

Faber is a craftsman. He enjoys manipulating inanimate materials and crafting them into new designs. He likes to be in control and has little interest in relating to people as equals. However where the opportunity arises he will become a demiurge, treating others as biological machines that respond in a predictable way to the input they are given, and which can be manipulated to desired ends.

Vatis has high energy and a desire for novelty and excitement. Vatis tends to break out of conventional patterns of thought and behaviour and creates his own new patterns. Vatis is able to see the world more clearly than others who are trapped by mental walls put up by others. Vatis is thus a major source of new knowledge. Vatis is also useful in warfare where existing structures need to be demolished.

Third Rank

Hestia is a home-maker. She has a desire for good order in the home and has a calm and dependable personality that can be relied upon. She takes pride in maintaining everything that is needed to provide a place for people to live.

Tistar or Didascus is a coach and teacher. He enjoys seeing people grow and develop with the challenges and support that he provides them.

Harvator has a desire to heal the injured.

Aryama is the supporter and protector of community and tribe.

Rasnus is the dispenser of justice.

Other Prosopa

Azidus is a being of desire. He is inspired by an unbridled lust for power (and other delights as well). He has an anguinic character lacking usual human emotions and empathy for others. He is obsequious to those above him in the power-chain, but cold-heartedly manipulates those who can be instruments of his success and ruthlessly eliminates his rivals. He shares something with Faber who he may employ to help him in his work. He is a spiritual opposite to Sarus and Mithras' main rival for control of the social order. (NB Azidus can be categorized both as Prosopa and Kakoi)

Lucifer is the revealer of knowledge of cause and effect without revealing what is good and bad. Lucifer encourages a dispassionate, cold-hearted view of the world. Lucifer is useful to the technologist and the technocrat, but considered a dangerous being by Christians. Lucifer's cold-heartedness makes him a sympathetic ally of Azidus the cold-hearted lustful one.

Considered masculine: Sarus, Mithras, Vatis, Percus, Faber, Tistar, Rasnus, Azidus, Lucifer
Considered feminine: Anhita, Hestia, Aryama, Harvator, Friya

September 2022, amended Feb 23