Runa - May 2020

Some possible Zorochristian concepts:

PROTARCHE - The first source of existence

ZURVAN - the power that makes life possible by providing the arena of time and space in which life can split into separate points of agency and complex activity can happen

HELIUS (or SOLARA) - the energy source that powers both the physical and spiritual activity

PLEROMA - the full possible range of activity that life can engage in. Either in the Pleroma or in an intermediate region between the Pleroma and the Earth live beings which represent archetypes and patterns of growth and activity that are 'ready-made' and can be easily taken up.

MANAH - Mind. Involves both Consciousness and Intellect. It is the power that makes sense of the world, and how to act in it. Probably the same as Plotinic NOUS.

URVAN (or PSYCHE) - Soul. This is something continually growing, shaped by the experience of a person, and that of previous generations before them. It is the body through which the cosmic energy of HELIUS flows. URVAN can be thought of as an outgrowth of MANAH - as new experience comes about from the activity of Mind, and is then 'laid down' in the soul.

MAZDA is the Wisdom Power. Closely associated with MANAH (Mind) it is perhaps the divine activity of Manah - i.e. the activity of Mind when it is acting perfectly to find solutions to problems.

AMORTONs - are divine immortal beings. These are 'ways of activity' . They are created by Mazda and live in the Pleroma.

ARKONs (or ARCHONs) - are lords or centres of earthly influence. They arise out of Manah (and 'will' if considered a separate thing).

ARKUS is the overall ARKON of existence and determines how the activity of the world unfolds.

ONTIA is reality - how things actually are

PHENIA is appearance - how we imagine things to be

HEXIS (or HABITUS) is the state of our minds and souls. It is how our minds are configured, and so how we typically think and behave. Our Hexis tends to stay the same, but can potentially be changed.

MENTIVIA meaning 'Mind-Way' is a similar concept to Hexis. Mentivia are channels of thinking. It is the way that our minds typically react to something appearing to happen.

HEXITROPE is something that changes Hexis.

GNOSIS is a process that leads us closer to knowledge of ONTIA (reality). It involves becoming consciously aware of our HEXIS (habitual thinking patterns), and of the distinction between ONTIA and PHENIA, (reality and appearance), and also of developing our ability to hear our direct sensations of ONTIA.

MIMESIS is imitation. It is a mechanism for the transfer of forms of Hexis from one person to another.

METANOIA means 'conversion' . It is a dramatic change in one's Mental Hexis - in our beliefs and values - that leads to a radically new way of behaving.

May 2020