
The Pagan Attitude

The pagan seeks health and strength for their enduring survival, growth and happiness.

The pagan sees strength in association with others and works for the collective strength of the sibband, clan or tribe through the strength of the individual members, the frith or harmonious relations between members , the good cultural and ritual practice and the territory and physical possessions of the group.

The pagan sees themselves as a part of the world they live in and seeks to play their part in maintaining the good functioning of the processes at work in the world.

The pagan struggles for good order which they see as under constant threat from forces that would break this up and cause chaos.

Religious pagans typically venerate multiple wights and deities which represent the different movements of the world and features of human life.

The Chrestian Attitude

The Chrestian seeks to be useful to others. The Chrestian aims to overcome their selfish inclinations and serve the other with wholeheartedness. The Chrestian aims to be filled with the spirit of love and concern for others. The Chrestian seeks to be wise so they will be of good service.

Religious chrestians typically worship one or two deities or a small number of closely related deities which stand for what is universally good. (e.g. Christians typically emphasize the deities God the Father and Jesus and sometimes Mary. Zoroastrian chrestians emphasize Aramazda (Wise Lord) and Sarosh (Listener to the needs of the world)

The Diabolist Attitude

The Diabolist serves themselves only and believes that it is fine to trample over the welfare of others. A diabolist may be cunning and manipulative if need be or else cause harm openly if they can get away with it. Like pagans diabolists normally band together with others to enhance their influence.

Religious diabolists characteristically worship two kinds of deities – one deity that gives license to unfeeling destructiveness such as Aeshma, Samael or Satan, and one that encourages unfeeling productiveness such as Lucifer.

October 4009 or earlier