Some Sayings

There is no good but what is good. There is no evil but what is evil.

A person's karma is the movement they make in the world.

The world karma is the world action. This is the movement of all the beings in the world. The world karma makes the world.

My karma doesn't make me, for I am a part of the world, and the world karma makes the world.

How can you defend your possessions? First decide if your possessions are worth defending.

Magic is when something happens you cannot explain.

A magician is somebody who makes you think one thing is happening when another thing is.

We worship the Good Lord, but not the wights who may be good or bad. Those we remember.

The fire of life needs tending, for if nobody tends it it will go out.

If you meet a giant, remember, to him you are an ant. He will not care if he squashes you.

To have a Good Mind means to have a mind that wills what is good.

They say that all you need is love. But if a dog loves you will he make you your dinner?

Democracy is something you do, not something you live in.

The wolf asked the dog why he was chained to the post. The dog said his master wished it thus. The wolf said he preferred to be free and walked away.

The farmer said he did not support the duke. Then he gave the duke the produce of his fields to support the duke's men through the winter.

The legs of the table said that they did not support the table.

As the thief took some silver coins from the man's wallet, he told the man he was putting some coins in. The man thought the thief a generous fellow.

Simon told John that Jack was planning to kill him. So John drew his sword upon Jack and they fought together and both were mortally wounded. Then Simon took John's farm and Jack's mill for himself.

As the nice farmer fed the chickens in the sunlit yard, a chicken muttered to another that the farmer was going to kill them all.

A man worked all his waking hours in the factory. I don't know why I never speak to my wife and children he said.

The baron was oppressing the people. The people's champion said let us wage war on the baron. Fighting the baron, half the people died, and so did the baron. The new baron oppressed the people.

In each cottage in the village sat a lonely housewife. I wish I could meet some other housewives they all said to themselves.

The giant was fed up with all the people. He blew hot air over the land and the rain-clouds disappeared. There was a drought and no crops grew. The people died.

The giant was fed up with so many people. He scattered poisons through the air they breathed and the food they ate and the medicines they took. The people got weak. Then he sent a plague upon them.

The giant thought there were too many people. He divided them into two big armies of equal strength. Then he told the two armies to fight each other to the death.

The giant was fed up with all the people. He made laws that it was forbidden to grow food. Each day the people fed the giant. Each day the giant got bigger. Each day the giant wanted more food.

"Fe,Fi,Fo, Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman", said the giant.