Aspects of Wizardry

Mazdayasna – Worship of the Supremely Wise Being (which in Zoroastrianism implies also the Supremely Good Being).

Philosophy The practice of seeking to understand the nature of existence

Endosophism (or Sophistry) The practice of inner change that brings a person to be more directly connected to reality.

Spellcraft The practice of careful use of skills of speech and presentation to produce an effect in others. Some forms of Spellcraft may be considered forms of Magic. It may be righteous (honest) or unrighteous (deceptive).

Magic The practice of influencing other people's understandings and behaviours from a position of superior awareness.

Kasatra The practice of ordering the nature of the settlement of mankind on the earth and the interrelations between people and the relations between people and their environment. Includes Sibbandry which is concerned with building communities for living. Also includes Warcraft and Statecraft – concerned with gaining and maintaining influence over a territory and its population and shaping them.

Biocraft The practice of seeking to influence the development and health of living organisms. Medicine is specifically concerned with making interventions to influence the health or good functioning of living organisms for good or ill.

Material Craft The practice of moulding the inanimate material world and creating inanimate material objects of a particular nature.