

Deities are related to wights but whereas wights typically have all the messiness of real world phenomena, deities have a more idealised abstract nature. Wights just are – but deities which come alive in people’s minds change the workings of those minds, and thus what happens in the world.


Aramazda is the Wise Lord - the one pure Good God Sarosh listens to the needs of the living beings and is obedient in meeting them Aeshma or Samael the opponent of Sarosh, is blind and deaf to the well-being of others, and pursues their own desires regardless.

Lucifer is the deity of technocratic rule. He has much of the intelligence of Vayu, but treats living beings as objects of manipulation. Lucifer calls upon both Sarosh and Samael. Good Lucifer seeks the common benefit. Bad Lucifer has selfish ends.

Gaia is the wight or deity of the living processes of planet earth.

Persian Deities:

Vayu air or wind deity stimulates strength and wisdom

Varuna deity of governance

Mithra deity of society and challenges wrong-doers

Anahita river deity is a provider

Veretragna deity of victory

Tishtrya rain deity and fertility

Maya power of magic and illusion

and others.
Zoroastrian Historic Era

There are several different year dating schemes which have been used by Zoroastrians traditionally and in the modern age – none of which we recommend for Euromazdeans (or European Zoroastrians).

Instead we introduce the Zoroastrian Historic Era as a candidate to be used in appropriate circumstances. The Zoroastrian Historic Era is aligned to begin exactly 2000 years earlier than the Christian or Common Era. So the year 2001 ZHE is 1 CE. The Zoroastrian Historic Era is the era in which Zoroastrian Humanist thought has been a force in the world.

Possible scheme for human-friendly measurements

One Inch is twenty-four mils length, One Foot is twelve inches, One Yard is three feet
One Hundred Length is one hundred yards, One Mile is twenty hundred length
One Acre is the area of a square which is seventy-two yards on each side
One Fluid Ounce is twenty-four mils volume
One Short Pint is twenty fluid ounces, One Long Pint is twenty-four fluid ounces
One Short Gallon is eight short pints, One Long Gallon is eight long pints
One Ounce is twenty-four grams, One Pound is twenty ounces
One Stone is twelve pounds, One Hundred Weight is one hundred pounds
One Ton is twenty hundred weight
Weather temperature is measured on the Fahrenheit scale

The Holy Instruments are:

1. The Holy Cup. Out of the Holy Cup (or pot or dish) come all good things that are consumed. Water to Quench thirst, Soup to Nourish, Potions to Heal, Drink to Make Merry and Soma itself to change mental states and open one up to deeper spiritual reality.
2. The Holy Pipes which make music and set us dancing aright.
3. The 8-spoked Wheel of Asha, symbol of good order of the cosmos.
4. The Sword of Sarosh is an instrument to fight for what is righteous against what is unrighteous.

Compiled in October 2009 CE / 4009 HE