AUTARCHISM | "Promoting collective freedom and self-rule" |
Introduction |
Autarchism means 'self-rule' and is the principle that
it is good for people to have influence over their own lives, the way they
spend their time and the way their immediate environment is
structured. Autarchists recognise the benefit and need for people to come together with others in order to collectively shape their lives together. Most human needs can only be satisfied in relationship with other people, and an organised group has greater power to defend its space than do isolated individuals. However there are particular characteristics of human associations which make them good or bad for their individual members. For instance the size of the association is very important, also whether members share agreement as to how they should organise themselves, and whether they trust each other or not. Also very important is how much time and energy a person devotes to the association. In a modernist social system such as most of us are part of, peoples' time and energy is devoted to activities which are outside of their control. Many spend a good part of our time in paid work as servants of the government or a big corporation. They are unable to choose the best use of their time, nor the way their work lives are structured, nor can they control the use to which their labour is put. Outside work many people continue to come under the influence of centrally concentrated power - when they watch television, when they go to school, when they go to the supermarket or shopping centre or use the banking system. Autarchists however are not happy with this arrangement and seek to personally withdraw their time and energy from the modernist system. They seek to set up an alternative system made up of a network of autonomous groups of people, seeking self-reliance and achieving a degree of self-sufficiency. Many people are attracted to Autarchism because they believe such a way of people organising themselves leads to a better quality of life. Others may be dismayed at the actions of the centralizing modernist power - in reducing quality of life, damaging the environment, oppressing freedom, or waging war - and do not wish to lend their support to it. What does Autarchism mean in practice? 1. Developing and spreading support for the idea that people should not live lives being told what to do all the time by remote powers, but should organize themselves in human scale groups to do what it is they feel is good and right. 2. Withdrawing support in practical ways from the modernist system. For instance by reducing their hours in paid work for large organisations. Reducing their use of big banks. Reducing the time they spend watching television or reading mass-market newspapers. Reducing their purchase of goods from large commercial concerns. Reducing their use of state, or centrally-controlled private education, treatments or social services. 3. Setting up alternative ways of meeting human needs for food, shelter, social contact, education, challenge, security, barter, care etc. A start to this can be made by attracting other people who have similar concerns and live near to you into association with each other and then developing ideas as to how you could work together. |
Back | What is Autarchism? |
What is Autarchism?
Autarchy means `Self-Rule'.
Autarchism is the philosophy that people should seek to govern themselves as much as possible.
People who are filled with the spirit of Autarchy and manage to put this into practice can be called `Autarchs'. Those who have no spirit of autarchy and have their thoughts and activities structured by others can be called `Allarchs'. (`Other-rule').
We can see that we are largely a nation of allarchs content to be robotic workers, passive consumers or uncritical TV news viewers. However as we take no part in our own government we are putting ourselves at the mercy of others to decide what quality of life we might enjoy, and even how long we might live.
Autarchists however seek to encourage the spirit of autarchy along with the practical knowledge needed to bring a good effect.
Autarchists concentrate first on self-rule in the realm of ideas. We need to be free to think any thought, free to roam across the terrain of past ideas, free to share our thoughts with others, free to construct our own thought-structures to suit the needs we perceive without interference from others.
Secondly Autarchists seek self-rule in their desire to associate with others and engage in community with them. A face-to-face community is the basic social structure which people rely on to engage in collective action. A community has a shared common understanding, and a shared loyalty and trust which facilitates collective action. A community is able to organise joint action, or provide a social home which provides for the needs of its members.
Thirdly Autarchists seek self-rule in their desire to shape their environment. For this to happen without friction an Autarchist community needs to have sole-ownership of a piece of territory within which it can determine what happens without outside interference. This territory could just be the private homes of its members, but it might include community-owned territory, or on a larger scale the territory of an Autarchic nation-state.
Back | What are Autarchists interested in? |
What are Autarchists interested in?
Below are the sorts of things Autarchists are interested in. However some people will be more interested in some aspects than others.
We hate 'The System' which is taking control of everything and destroying the conditions for a good life. We reject as much of it as we can manage without and resolve to do things for ourselves. We think that this is at least a small step to weakening its power.
We think that there are going to be big shocks to our way of life in the near future. This might be caused by Economic Depression, Nuclear War, Infectious Pandemic or something else. We don't think that we should rely unthinkingly on there always being food in the shops, petrol at the petrol stations, clean water from the tap, electricity at the turn of a switch etc. We are first concerned that we ourselves are prepared for survival through what may be ahead. However we also consider those around us who have not prepared. Will we be able to help them?
Our modern way of life separates us from the natural world. This can make us feel detached from what is real, and ignore the needs of the environment and other creatures. We seek to get back closer to nature, live more lightly on the land and be considerate of the whole of nature.
We want to develop, celebrate and pass on our culture and identity.
A religion is a system for guiding people as to what is right or wrong , good or bad, for them to do. Some Autarchists will subscribe to a particular formal religion - others will take a more ad-hoc approach to the same sort of issues.
Humans are social animals. It is good and natural for them to live together in groups. The system tries to prevent this as much as it can but Autarchists seek to do so anyway.
Some people are sick in one way or another. The system doesn't provide them with what they need to get better. So we get together ourselves and try and help each other.
Back | Are you a Cyberon or an Autarchon? |
Are you a Cyberon or an Autarchon?
(Count up your answers)
C= I buy my bread ready made from the shop.
A= I bake my own bread.
C= I live on my own or with just one other adult.
A= I live in a community of several adults.
C= I borrow money at interest from a bank.
A= I borrow money interest-free from someone I know.
C= I get my news from TV, radio or newspapers.
A= I get my news from independent sites on the Internet.
C= I only look at other people's websites.
A= I have set up my own website or Internet group.
C= I listen to commercial music or go to the cinema.
A= I'm involved in a band, amateur dramatics, historical re-enactment or creative group activity.
C= I watch Friends on TV.
A= I help run a social circle.
C= I spend my life working for someone else in a big organisation.
A= I am self-employed or part of a co-operative.
C= I watch football a lot.
A= I play football a lot.
C= I live hand-to-mouth just buying things as I need them.
A= I have a year's supply of food and other necessities so I can wait out any disruption.
C= I seem to be going non-stop and never have time to think.
A= I have a good balance of time for myself, family life, community life, working-to-live, and working for the public good.
C= I don't like what New Labour are doing - I might vote for another party next time.
A= I don't like what New Labour are doing - I work several hours a week trying to change things.
C= I believe there is no absolute reality, all opinions are equally valid.
A= I believe there is an absolute reality and some people have a better understanding of it than others.
C= I believe that the agents of massively centralised power will tell me who are the greatest threats to a free society.
A= I believe that massively centralised power in the wrong hands is the greatest threat to a free society.
Your Answers:
Lots of Cs: "You are a cyberonic serf in the system of slavery, a muddled mind in the modernist matrix, a captive cog controlled completely."
Lots of As: "You are a pro-active power pushing purposefully, a foremost force for fullest freedom, an exhilarating efflorescence of autarchic energy."
Back | Autarchy and Panarchy | 05th Dec 2005 |
Autarchy and Panarchy Panarchy is the idea that all (Pan) should get what is good and right for them. Autarchy means Self-Rule. Panarchy implies 'justice'. Each person is important and deserves consideration. This does not mean everybody must be treated the same in all things. A society requires a variety of different kinds of people with different roles and different powers. Nevertheless in some sense all life has value and should be well-treated. Panarchy also implies 'harmony' . The needs of each person to give and to receive can only be met in a society where the needs of everybody to give and receive is in balance. (One person's giving is another person's receiving). This is an ecological principle. The opposite of Panarchy is Monocracy. Monocracy means that only the needs of one person or one group are taken into account. Everybody else is a slave to them. Monocracy occurs where Autarchy is lost to all except one group who take advantage for their own selfish ends. Autarchy implies freedom. With autarchy a person has no internal or external impediment to action that it is not able to overcome. Autarchy does not mean that there are no impediments to action at all - but that there are none which are absolutely constraining - none that could not be overcome with some attention and effort focussed upon it. For Autarchy a person needs a knowledge of their environment and Wisdom. They also need Strength to overcome obstacles. They also need to be able work collectively with others where one person alone is not strong enough to overcome obstacles, or where the freedom of one might be gained at the expense of another. Those who seek Autarchy and Panarchy can be called either Autarchists or Panarchists, depending on their main focus of attention. Perhaps Autarchy comes first. Without freedom you have no influence on your fate, whether you live in a happy Panarchic society, or a miserable monocratic one. Thus perhaps at the present time, most should become 'Autarchists'. Autarchists are 'self-rulers', or 'freedom-lovers'. They dedicate their energies to gaining freedom for themselves as individuals, for a community of which they are a part, or for their nation or for the whole of mankind. However distinguished perhaps from other kind of freedom-seekers, autarchists believe that ALL these levels are important. They do not seek freedom for their nation by building a monocratic authoritarian political machine. They believe that for freedom to come the spirit of autarchy must infect the people. The desire for freedom must burn in their hearts for them to strive for it with vigour. Such an excited people infected with the spirit of autarchy will express such a desire in all aspects of their lives. They cannot be oppressed at one level and expected to be vigorous at another level. Thus most Autarchists start with themselves, and their immediate lives. How can they become free in thought in action? They soon realise they must combine with others for different tasks. Usually they seek to combine at the lowest effective level. The smaller the collective group the easier it can reflect the wishes of the individuals who are a part of it. Also the more the group share a common culture, the easier they will work together. Nevertheless for some tasks this is not possible. Only very wide-scale associations can muster the resources necessary. First steps: Freedom of thought - read all kinds of websites. Seek to understand the environment you live in. Take your news from independent sources not the official approved sources of mainstream TV, radio and press. Do not ask for water-tight evidence for any suggestion. This is rarely available. Instead consider all kinds of theories and believe the theory that matches the evidence better than any other. If new evidence or new ideas mean a better theory appears, then abandon the old theory and believe the new one. Some may find it hard to give up old thinking habits this way. Indeed it is hard. But it needs to be done. Associating with others. Little can be done by individuals working completely alone. Some good work can be done by those who hide their identity and communicate with others anonymously. However it is not sufficient for everybody to work this way. There must also be real face-to-face groups as only in such groups can bonds of trust be formed, and the full needs of their members met. However large groups will find it difficult to remain free. Keep groups small. Spreading the spirit and the word. Those who have become infected with the spirit of autarchy - who will accept no authority unquestioned - and who have developed practical ways of expressing this spirit , should spread the word to others. Only when many people are autarchists will it be possible to overcome the greatest obstacles. Dec 2005 |
Back | Types of Autarchist | 11th Dec 2005 |
Types of Autarchist Autarchy means 'self-rule' or freedom. You are Free if you are able to muster the resources together to get what you want - whatever that is. The People would be Free if the People were able to get together and decide what kind of country they wanted to live in - and then go ahead and create that kind of country. However in practice we are stopped from thinking together about what we would like. Even if we did all agree on something then we would be stopped from getting it. Autarchism is the science of how to become free. It describes what the conditions are for freedom, what and who can oppose your freedom, and how you might overcome them. Different people want different things - thus there are different kinds of autarchists. Village Autarchists - They want to create separatist village communities, growing their own food, looking after their own affairs, and defending themselves from attack. Church Autarchists - They want to create 'churches' or organised communities of people with a particular philosophy living in normal towns and cities but having their own shared community buildings, workshops, social activities, child-care facilities etc. And as Autarchists they want to be able to decide how all this is run for themselves and not have the government telling them what they should do. City or County Autarchists - They believe that cities or counties should be self-governing as many used to be, with their own banks, police force, social care provision etc - and raising their own taxes. They don't see why central government needs to get much involved. Regional Autarchists - Would like to see regions being self-governing self-contained areas. National Autarchists - Wish to see their country being self-governing with its own parliament - whether as a completely independent state or as part of a confederation. |
Back | Theory & Ideas for Action |
THEORY Autarchism involves: 1. UNDERSTANDING how power is exercised and how this effects people's quality of life. 2. ENCOURAGING A SPIRIT among people to make changes to how they behave, even against obstacles. 3. REDUCING SUPPORT for the centre, by using its services less, working less hours for it, paying less into it. 4. BUILDING CAPABILITY for people to do things for themselves - especially by bringing people together into small groups which develop trust and understanding among their members, and provide opportunity for personal growth. 5. SETTING UP PROJECTS which can provide goods and services and all the needs of life. PROCESSES A chapter should consider the processes of STUDY, FELLOWSHIP, TASKWORK, RECRUITMENT and MAINTENANCE and how they can be fostered. An Autarchist needs to STUDY to get assistance in the development of their understanding of the world, what makes it tick, and how it is possible to have a good influence upon it. A chapter may set up study groups to help their members to study. A chapter also has the responsibility to choose study materials from good sources. The League may suggest good sources, but does not mandate a single study scheme. An Autarchist needs to come together in FELLOWSHIP with others. A chapter should facilitate the setting up of fellowship groups - small groups of people who meet up on a regular basis - such as one evening a fortnight - perhaps in one of their member's houses. A fellowship group should arrange its own activities with the primary aim of building bonds of trust between its members, giving them an opportunity to contribute to what is going on, and seeking to meet their needs for companionship or other need. An Autarchist needs also to be engaged in TASKWORK (purposeful activity) which is self-directed. Taskwork usually has some clear goal which needs to be achieved and will stretch the capabilities of those taking part, helping them develop. Sometimes taskwork will be chosen mainly for its training benefit, but wherever possible Autarchist should seek out tasks which meet some real need. An Autarchist also needs to work on RECRUITMENT - spreading the message about Autarchism into the outside world and seeking to get new people involved in Autarchic activities. Those running an Autarchist chapter also need to consider MAINTENANCE - i.e. all those little jobs that need to be done to keep things ticking over. IDEAS FOR ACTION - INDIVIDUAL As an Autarchist acting Individually you could: 1. Spend less time watching the official Television news - and more time looking at independent news sources e.g. on the Internet. 2. Reduce your working hours so that you have more time for your family, community life or political activity. 3. Support local food producers e.g. by buying at farmers markets. 4. Build up your own private stockpile of food and other necessities so that you are not reliant day-to-day on the supermarket. We suggest a year or more's supply of staple dried and tinned food would be a good idea. 5. Try and reduce your use of the modernist banking system. In particular you should seek to reduce the interest payments you pay - most easily by not borrowing money in the first place! 6. Join a local LETS scheme. (A grassroots Labour Exchange where you do jobs for other people for tokens for which other people will do jobs for you) IDEAS FOR ACTION - COLLECTIVE As Autarchists acting Collectively you could set up: 1. Political Study Groups. To help people understand how power is distributed in society and how the current distribution is kept in place. 2. Fellowship Groups. (Small groups who of people who are committed to meeting each other on a regular basis e.g. an evening a fortnight in a member's house). Fellowship groups are organised more formally than ordinary social activity and may have people of a mix of ages. Fellowship groups can get involved in any kind of activity but the emphasis should be on encouraging people to build bonds of trust with each other. 3. Taskwork Groups. Taskwork is activity where the emphasis is on a group of people working together in a team towards a particular goal. 4. Social Activities. Opportunities for people get to know each other and enjoy themselves together. 5. Talks and Discussions. Opportunities for people to be inspired by new ideas and to share their thoughts with others. 6. Research Teams. People who are willing to research a particular issue in detail and report back to everybody else. 7. Independent News. Set up your own publication giving your own understanding of what is going on in the world. There is plenty of good source material on the Internet but most people never get to read it. They might benefit if somebody could read it for them and provide a faithful digest. Spring 2006 |
Back | Promoting Autarchism |
Promoting Autarchism Autarchism as a term is something new, and the public may initially find it strange that 'doing things for yourself' should be elevated into a political movement with its own ideology. Of course there are already people about who have 'rejected the system' and started up their own grassroots project. But they may feel somewhat on their own and not conscious of being part of a larger force. They might get strength from the Autarchist ideology and come to see better how they fit into the larger picture. Autarchist Chapters We suggest that those who are interested in developing the concept of Autarchism and promoting it to others should get together in an 'Autarchist Chapter'. A chapter should have a small group of people who form its leadership team. The leadership should set the rules of the chapter including the process for bringing in new members to the chapter. The leadership has the responsibility for the good operation of the chapter, but should nevertheless foster the spirit and ability of the membership to be actively involved in its activities. Chapter Activity The job of a chapter is to promote Autarchism as an idea. It shouldn't expect to set up every kind of activity itself. In fact it should avoid the danger of getting bogged down in one particular project to the detriment of spreading the word about Autarchism. Things a chapter might do would be: 1. Set up an Autarchist newsletter for its local area which helps people understand what Autarchism is about, suggests practical schemes that could be set up and keep those already involved in practical projects in contact with each. 2. Set up an Autarchism discussion group (in real life). 3. Hold talks or social events to promote Autarchism, and help those already interested in Autarchism to meet each other. 4. Facilitate the setting up of new practical schemes. Spring 2006 |
Back | Community Panarchism - Oct 2005 |
Community-Order Panarchism A community Panarchist is concerned with building up a social organisation which can meet as many as possible of the social and physical needs of its members. Identifying Human Needs 1. Need for an adapted physical environment. (Physical shelter, fuel, clothes, human-scale architecture + lack of harmful contaminants such as toxic chemical, radio-active or biological particles.) 2. Need for food, water and oxygen. 3. Need for social interaction and relationship. A person should have the opportunity to interact with others under conditions which will likely lead to a positive outcome and which enable bonds to form between them. Such bonded relationship enables a person to make more demands on the other without fearing abandonment. 4. Need for security. A person's physical and social environment should remain sufficiently constant and sufficiently adapted to their needs that they are not stressed beyond their ability to cope. 5. Need for scope to control environment. A person should have the freedom to manipulate or influence (part of) their environment, either individually or as part of a collective. (This covers having own private space and possessions, i.e. exclusive use of particular places and materials). This is needed both so that they can adapt their environment to their needs and so that they are able to engage in activities which involve changing their environment. Setting up an Autarchist Chapter Rather than discussing community in the abstract we will give a plan for an 'Autarchist Chapter'. An Autarchist Chapter is an organised group of people who have made a commitment to form a community with each other. The size of a chapter should be large enough that it has sufficient people of different aptitudes to be able to tackle most tasks. However the aim is that members of the chapter should feel a natural connection to the other members. This connection is easiest maintained if all members of the chapter are able to get to know all the other members at least to some degree. Experience with other similar collectives has suggested that a maximum membership of 50 to 70 people is about right. Setting up a chapter To set up a chapter first requires that a person makes it their goal to set up a chapter, and seeks to encourage others to join them. The first step might be to set up a 'Society' which has the aim of gaining members for and then regulating the activities of a chapter. The initial person would thus need to create a written proposal for this new society and try and persuade other people that this is a good proposal and that they should give some of their time and energy to realising it. Once the initial person has commitment from sufficient people then they could try and arrange meetings to discuss the proposal and how it might be realized. This 'steering group' would need to discover who is able and willing to accept particular roles or responsibilities and can be expected to undertake the tasks involved. The steering group would then likely produce a more settled version of the original proposal, and jointly seek to get more people to commit to it. This might involve holding public meetings at which participants can be approached to gain their interest. Alternatively notices can be put in places where potentially suitable people might see them. What kind of proposal? The most important parts of the proposal should establish: 1. The collective understanding of the world. 2. The collective goals of the chapter 3. The membership criteria and process for joining the chapter. 4. A mechanism for agreeing joint actions, resolving disputes and maintaining order. While not necessarily the case we would suggest that the collective understanding of the world should be similar to that below. This divides people into: a) 'Panarchists' - People who value the lives of others - and are seeking to create a living environment in which all (Pan) the living beings of the place are accorded significance so that each receives what is good for them. The term includes all those working consciously and effectively to put power in to the hands of those who will use it to good effect. The two processes at work are a) To spread power about so that people have greater control over their own affairs and b) To ensure that those with power over others have a Holophilic (benevolent) attitude. So the term Panarchist includes (benevolent) Autarchists and other authentic religious or humanitarian movements. b) 'Monocratists' - Those who do not value the lives of others and are unconcerned about their suffering - yet who seek to gain power over them. The term may also include those who support such people even if without full understanding of what they are doing. c) 'Tangentals' - those who are politically active but have goals that could lead them either in a Holophilic or Holophobic direction. d) 'Passives' - those who are not politically active. An Autarchist Chapter might benefit from having a more closely defined identity than simply being Autarchist. For instance it might profitably adopt a particular ethnic, religious or spiritual stance. This would help get people who share the same culture and attitudes together. Nevertheless you should still try and attract a mix of different personalities, ages and genders. If everybody is the same type of person then social opportunities will be restricted and it may be difficult to get anybody to do particular kinds of jobs. An Autarchist Chapter might then theoretically start with a list of 50 names of people who have shown an interest. The next step will be to try and set up either 'Circles' or 'House Fellowships'. A 'Circle' is a collection of people with similar interests likely to want to engage in the same kinds of activity together. A House Fellowship is a group of up to a dozen people who meet regularly, usually for an evening once a week or fortnight in somebody's house. A House Fellowship has a wider remit to provide for people's social needs and to help develop them in useful ways. To set up a Circle or House Fellowship you need somebody to volunteer to organise such and to seek to gain recruits out of the general membership of the Chapter. What are the aims of the Chapter? 1. To provide the opportunity for members to engage in joint activities which help meet the social needs of themselves (and their families). 2. To provide encouragement and assistance in educating members about Autarchism and its practical application and other relevant (e.g. political) issues. 3. To provide the opportunities for members to develop their character, (i.e. their personality and capability to deal well with particular situations) 4. To provide the opportunity for members to provide and receive help from other members in practical matters. 5. To protect the independence of the Chapter and its resilience to cope within a difficult environment. What particular things could members of a chapter get involved in? 1. Researching the activities and method of operation of the New World Order and disseminating this knowledge to other members. 2. Arranging social outings 3. Setting up an internal economy so that members can exchange goods and services with each other independent of the national economy. 4. Being a medical consultant to the other members. 5. Arranging social activities, communal meals, cultural events, debates, discussions etc. 6. Growing food, cooking food, storing food. 7. Plumbing, decorating, computer help etc. 8. Teacher to children and adults. 9. Providing communal meeting spaces. 10. Promoting Panarchism outside the chapter. 11. Providing and sharing activity spaces, workshops etc. 12. Editing a chapter newsletter/newspaper. October 2005 |
Back | House Fellowships | 16th Oct 2005 |
HOUSE FELLOWSHIPS A House Fellowship is a small group of up to about a dozen people which meets regularly. Typically they meet one evening a week in somebody's house. The aims of a House Fellowship are twofold. First to be of immediate benefit to its members, e.g. for a social life or practical help. Secondly to educate and develop its members so that they can better serve in the public arena. One of the important things to study is 'How do individual human actions effect the large-scale processes of life in the world?' You must be prepared to be open-minded and give consideration to any theory that seems to explain the evidence. People need to develop a proper understanding of the underlying processes. i.e. they need an intellectual model of what is going on. This will help them predict future events, and see how they could personally make a difference. They also need to get involved in activities that develop their spirit and their capability to take practical action. It might mean developing their character through team-building activities or by engaging in some slightly challenging public activity. SETTING UP A HOUSE FELLOWSHIP If you have got this far then you will need to consider how to attract other people to your fellowship. Some people will have views of life and a sense of an identity which is so much wrapped up with the system they live in that they can't be persuaded to change. These people are best ignored. They will require too much effort. However other people only go along with system processes because they haven't heard any alternative. These are better territory. Yet among these many will be sufficiently content with their lives that they will not be interested in anything that requires a bit of effort or danger. However others will be dissatisfied, whether because of spiritual emptiness, lack of social contact, overwork, debt, the effects of social change on their daily lives, anger at unnecessary war or engineered poverty in the third world, fear of or suffering from poor health caused by radio-active fallout, mobile phone masts, vaccinations, poor quality food etc. Ultimately the whole pattern of our lives is determined by the actions of those who hold the reins of power. Thus it is quite correct to hold them to blame for what we and other people in the world are suffering. The job of an activist is to make the link for them between what they are dissatisfied about and the systemic causes, and then show them how Autarchism gives them a chance to make a difference in some way. Not everybody will need to have a grudge against the system to get involved. Some people may simply motivated by wanting to do something worthwhile or meaningful or sociable - so that they are engaged by the process itself rather than a desire for its end result. In fact the same goes for everybody really. If people don't enjoy being part of a House Fellowship then they will likely drop out eventually whatever their views. WHAT TO STUDY IN A HOUSE FELLOWSHIP 1. Wordly Truth. Probably this is is the most important issue to get to grips with, as people who don't understand the basics of the forces at work in the world will not be able to judge what remedial action is needed. 2. Abstract Political Theory/ Ergonic Studies. How can we model the world so that we can predict and shape its course? 3. Ethics (Morals) What is a good route to follow in any particular situation? 4. Other There will be other things as well! 16th October 2005 |
Back | Autarchist Food Group | Jan 2007 |
Food is perhaps one of the most important things in life so Autarchists should give it their attention. Moderns just go and get their food from the supermarket and don't think much more. However Autarchists seek to take responsibility for their own food supply. This doesn't mean every Autarchist should grow their own food, but it does mean they should not rely on getting food from a supermarket all the time. A 'Autarchist Food Group' is a group of people who have got together to look at issues around food from an Autarchist perspective. Some activities you could try are: 1. Simulations a) Imagine you are the owner of an independent food shop. Where can you buy your food from? Where are your suppliers getting their food from? What would happen is there was a global oil shortage leading to high food production and transportation costs. b)Imagine that you (as an ordinary member of the public) know for certain that there will be a blockade against the UK in 3 months time and that all deliveries from abroad will stop including all food and oil deliveries. You believe that food availability in the UK will drop to a fifth of its current levels. This situation might last for up to a year. What preparations will you take? 2. Alternative Food Procurement with Money - Look at what options there are for you to buy food apart from at a shop. (e.g. from local farmers or allotment owners) 3. Food Storage - Build up a store of food in your home. But don't make it too obvious and don't buy the food with a supermarket spy card. 4. Food Growing - If you have a back garden growing flowers then perhaps it could grow some vegetables instead. 5. Wild Food Collecting - Along with other Autarchists and armed with suitable books learn how to gather edible food from the wild. 6. Long Storage Ingredient Cooking - You have a loft full of long-storage dried ingredients. How do you make it edible? 7. Wild Food Ingredient Cooking - You have gathered some wild food but how do you cook it? Please note that Autarchists are not the same as Survivalists. A survivalist prepares for a disaster but carries on with their normal life until it happens. An Autarchist changes their current lifestyle now to make it more robust whether or not they can tell if it is strictly needed or not. Jan 2007 |
Back | Ten Commandments | Mar 2006 |
PROHIBITIONS 1. Thou shalt not borrow money at interest - for surely if you give back to a banker more than he gave you, he will become rich and take power over you? 2. Thou shalt not watch television - for surely those who serve the devil will use it to tell their stories and deceive you? 3. Thou shalt not work for strangers more than four days out of seven - for else on what days will you work for yourself? 4. Thou shalt not poison the earth - for else in what good place will you live? 5. Thou shalt not deny the work of the devil - for if you seek to hide its work then how will your neighbour learn the truth from you? IMPERATIVES 6. Thou shalt come together with others in a fellowship for living so that each may relate with others and meet their needs and pursue their desires. There should be no more than one hundred grown among you, and you should take a place that you may be together in privacy for discussion and activity. 7. Thou shalt obtain at least half your food from land which is near to you, and half your water, so that no stranger can deny you the means of life. 8. Thou shalt be strong and those with you so that if any come against you then you may send them away. 9. Thou shalt seek the truth of the world with vigour so that you shall know what effect will come from what action. 10. Thou shalt promote what is good for yourself, and for your neighbour, and for all the people and creatures of the earth. |